
Mar 10, 2009 15:45

SO, Day One of the junior testing is over and done with...and, as I'm not going to go into great detail about it--the evil ACT people will come and lock me up (yes, they're like the AP people, but with more funding [wow, I totally just went into a subthought with a comma, then a dash, a parenthesis, and now a bracket...that's talent])--I just want to say that I survived.  And, they really weren't that bad, except the timing really got me on the science portion.  The essay...lame.  Whatever.
I'm basically sitting here listening to old Sonic music--NOSTALGIA--and being angsty because the media converter I love to use isn't working at the moment.  It really sucks when there's music that is absolutely astounding and I can't do anything with it...namely illegally download it onto my iPod and listen to it for another thousand times. (I would like to make a side note defending my morality and say that, logically, it's not illegal if I can't download it legally through iTunes or something like that.  Just felt like I should put that in.)  I suppose I'll restart the computer later and see what happens...It's odd, because apparently our virus protection software just ran out a couple days ago...and I've been pressing "remind me later" like every sane person does, and then I was trying to read
xlormp  and the window kept switching to this weird hotel website.  Strange.  Maybe I should actually do something to protect the computer...before this gets really serious...ah wait.  I can't get to half of the websites I use; maybe it has gotten really serious.  =P
Ok.  Homework time.  Over and out.

Again, just want to remind you that I haven't forgotten what a real post is.  Like, with real stuff in it.

xlormp, music, sonic the hedgehog, school, nostalgia, acts

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