Was? Mr. Mask at SBG, alone. Since he didn't go to the hot springs
Wo? SBG campus
Wen? The whole trip
Wer? Mask, and maybe Weavile (only he may hack)
Mr. Mask had gotten up, just like any day, and gone to work. He was at the school to watch everyone board the buses and leave. He sighed, Have a good time, everyone!
Once the buses shot off in their fits
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It was late, and a storm had rolled in, so it had begun to rain. Mr. Mask finished making himself a hot cup of tea, and a plate of cookies.
"Oooo!" he noticed the weather, "Spooky." He went to the bottom drawer in his desk and pulled out a thin rectangular box.
He went to the cleared floor and unfolded a cardboard slate. He placed an odd triangular looking object on the board and then began to recite something.
"PH! Most great and powerful Wee-gee board!" he began, the board sitting there, doing nothing, "What does the future hold?" he finished in a very weird voice. He obviously enjoyed this.
He placed his hands on the triangle and he shivered as it moved from letter to letter.
Once a sentence had been spelled out, Mask read aloud, "Certain... doom... awaits you all?" he was puzzled, "Well that's not right, the Wee-gee board has never said that before...... AH! IT MOVES!" he exclaimed as the triangle peice shot out of his hands and began to spell out: "Mwahahaha" by itself.
Mask's eyes popped open as he stomped over to his office closet.
"STOP THAT YOU DEMON OF HELL!" he shouted as he opened the door and kicked on a large metal box, "Quit tricking me like that!"
"Well, maybe if you let me out, I wouldn't trick you!"
"Well," Mask mocked, "Maybe if you stopped being so sour, I'd let you out!" he then slammed the closet shut and locked it up tight.
"BAH!" he sat on the floor and grabbed a cookie. He decided to wait a bit before playing with his Wee-gee board again.
((OOC: Hey, Weavile, this is a great time for you to hack this system!))
Sunday, however, was the day Weavile was going to spend being social. However, he was a bit hesitant to go straight to the hot springs with everyone. He was also somewhat curious as to what Mask was doing while almost all the students and teachers were away. Maybe Weavile should call him?
The pokemon counselor hesitated before picking up the phone in his and Waluigi's room. He just hoped he wouldn't be interrupting Mask if the other counselor was doing something important.
"The dead have spoken!" he completely spazzed as the thunder cracked and the phone rang. He flailed himself out of his desk chair and managed to knock into his book case on the way.
He quickly got up and checked his caller ID: WEAIVLE it read.
He then smoothed his hair back into place and dusted his shoulder before picking up the phone.
"Hello? This is Happy Mask speaking!"
Sitting down on the bed, he shifted the phone to his other ear. That was the problem of having sensitive, pokemon ears. "So... how are things?"
"Oh things are calm and quiet around here. Nobody else around, so it's very peaceful!" he informed, "I've just been getting some chores done!" he lied. Through his teeth. But what was he supposed to say? That he had been talking to a rock, found panties, and just spoken to the remains of a God? Sure. that would totally work.
"But how about you? You're the one on vacation, how is it there?"
He hm-ed a bit, deciding what to say. "I haven't done much... Just spent most of the other day relaxing in my room. I was planning on going to the hot springs with the other teachers later tonight..."
"But for now ,Snaps, you'll have to try and figure it out!"
Trying to hide his embarrassment, he asked, "Perhaps showing me would be better. Somehow I doubt it could be easily explained..." The pokemon sighed and thought that Mask's ways just didn't seem like they could be easily expressed through words.
"And one day I shall show you the source of my knowledge, but until that day comes," Mask whispered quietly, "gossip stones~"
He reclined a bit on his bed, switching the phone to his other ear. "Special occasions? How about simply never? It's hardly a befitting name..."
"How could you say such a thing?!"
"So, are you enjoying yourself?"
"Actually, I think I may just head over to the hot springs now..." Although he promised to be more outgoing around others, he was a bit hesitant to hang up on Mask.
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