But Wait, there's MORE! (another person getting counseling!)

Jun 11, 2008 15:26


Characters: Herr Mask und Lucas (OOC:Mr. Mask & Lucas. German lol)
What: Lucas wants a sit down
Where: Mr. Mask's layer office
When: June... 11th? @ 3:30
Rating: up to PG-13 for safety

Mr. Mask was perky since this was his second session to give since he got back. He truly was surprised the school had taken to him so well! He only hoped that Lucas's problems weren't as conflicting as his last patient's.

He snatched a cookie from the fresh batch he had whipped up in the teacher's lounge microwave oven. Many would ask how he pulled that stunt off, but he simply claimed magic.

"Mphy Mphy, " he mumbled with a full mouth, "I f-ink the mircowave addfs some-f-ing." He sat in his desk chair, reading an old and ancient story book while he waited.
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