Dec 02, 2004 22:26
I just got back from the gym and I am so entirely filled with energy that I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep tonight. This day has been such a drastic contrast from yesterday and Tuesday. Finally a hiatus from the terrors of twenty-something drama. Today is the first day in weeks that absolutely nothing has gone wrong. I didn't have to do my presentation in class today, which is the absolute highlight of my day seeing as how I finished the preperations ten seconds before the professor walked into class. I also ended up having an extremely interesting conversation with two friends about how my ex, who claims that he "rocked my world" and would rock one of thier's, being less than satisfactory at that which I allowed him to do. Like I told my ladies, you can own a guitar but not know how to play it. This is a perfect explanation of his short comings... oh my was that a pun? Apologies to any males who read this... My feelings towards your gender are not usually so bitter.