Thursday Movie Night

Jun 30, 2008 11:04

This Thursday a friend of mine, who rarely gets a chance to make it out to movie night, will be in attendance so they recieved the option between three movies to choose as the selection to be shown.  This weeks movie for movie night will be "(Alfred Hichcock's) North by Northwest". ttp://  Cary Grant, the actor "discovered" by Mae West if I recall correctly, plays a sucessful advertising director inadvertantly swept into an FBI spy cat and mouse game.  I have to appologize to ladykalana for misunderstanding her footrub request, in which I thought she wanted me to work on her girl.  In doing so I neglected her back.  I appologize for not rubing you the right way.  *wink*  But a necklace was returned!  Woot!

I look forward to reading to whoever shows up before the movie.  I will sum up where we stopped in "Going Postal" here.  We heard the Nine-Thousand Year Prologue; the One Month Prologue; and In Chapter One "The Angel" we discovered that In which our hero experiences Hope, the greatest gift; The bacon sandwich of regret; Somber reflections on capitol punishment from the hangman; Famous last words; Our hero dies; Angels, conversations about; Inadvisability of misplaced offers regarding broomsticks; An unexpected ride; A world free of honest men; and A man on the hop.  I hope all present enjoyed my rendering of the book.

This weekend I went to "Temptation" where I had a pretty good time friday.  I loved hanging out with all my friends.  The event was unfortunately halted premeturely at 2:15 AM Saturday morning.  But I was pleased to see another friend and angelpv there.  Saturday and Sunday were filled with my mothers birthday celebration, which I was under the impression would only be Saturday day.  Unfortunately I was unable to meet x creepy doll x and her boy, as I had hoped to on Sunday, to celebrate my finding a new job.  What made it worse was I couldn't find the number for them to call and I didn't think to call ladykalana till too late letting them know I had two other things pop up.  (bad bad Happier_End man)  I will try to be at the club on Thursday in penance.
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