
Jun 09, 2008 09:44

Well this week went by well.  Thursday had an unexpected and highly welcome visitor to movie night.  We watched both films stated in the last post.  *gasp* People were quiet and watched the second flick!  I was happy that I chose a movie worthwhile that captivated the audience.  Not only that I had a shocking eight people show up.  It was fantastic.

Friday I had the interview with a company some hour away from Raleigh.  The drive is quite pleasant and seems to pass readily.  On the way back, I was in Raleigh before I knew it.  I have yet to hear from the company regarding the position, but it is only Monday morning so I am hopeful.  After returning I was pretty bushed and fell asleep before eight and missed Rocky.

Saturday I ran a game of Dungeons & Dragons 4.0 at a public library in Apex for, I think it was, National Game Day.  Many of the rules changes for 4.0 are playable but I think the min/max crowd might be in for a bit of a letdown, at least till some more expansions come out.  While DMing I met the "DM is a heartless bastard" rule of killing at least one player character and nearly wiping out the whole party.  Congrats to the party on finishing the final encounter with only one PC left standing below the "Bloodied" level of hit points (AKA less than half hit points remaining).

Sunday my roomate and I did some lawn work in the morning, repotted a plant.  Same pot but added some sand because the dirt was holding too much water.  Afterward, I took yet another nap because it was hot during the weekend ***your skill at power napping has increased 249/250***.  Awoke and played some EverQuest II before watching some Dr. Who and fiddling around in my room with some calculus.

I am looking for a place around Charlotte to crash.  My friends who lived there have just moved to Raleigh and already closed on their house.  I may be able to find room with one of their friends and it would beat the pants off of calling my brother in Hickory to crash this upcomming weekend.

To those who adore cute and cuddly things I bestow the following link (to those who don't I render target practice):
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