:'( i need a chemistry icon.

Jul 17, 2008 19:58

CHEMISTRY'S DOUCHIN YOSHIKUNI WILL BE IN A MOVIE IN 2009. Well, he has a small part, seeing that he's not an actor (duh). The leads will be played by Tamaki Hiroshi (I'm sorry, I don't like him) and HIRAOKA YUUTA (I LOVE HIM). I hope Douchin gets to sing a solo or something for the movie. Cuz I. JUST. GUUUUUHHHH HISVOICEHISVOICEHISVOICE.

ALSO!!!! Chemistry will be coming out with a new single on August 20th! And it's called "Life goes On." *snicker*

On the 19th, M-ON is going to be showing Chemistry's 2008 Live from the Budoukan!!!!!!1!1132!one!

/end spaz

I got called back for a second interview!! Thank God it's not at seven in the morning this time. This should be the last interview whether I get the job or not because I MEAN COME ON it shouldn't take that long for BARNES&NOBLE to hire people.

My brother is constantly asking for more episodes of Maou even though I TOLD HIM it airs on Fridays. Haha. I'm glad he's interested in it, though. He keeps saying it's like "Death Note" but I wouldn't know because I haven't seen it, nor do I know the story.

Rumors about a Nino/Nishikido drama. I is not that excited. :/

I was up till 4 in the morning WATCHING ARASHI. Jeez. I don't know why, but they can keep me up for hours. ON STUFF I'VE ALREADY SEEN BEFORE. What is this?! They are more addictive than nicotine.
I re-watched a dozen Shukudai-kun episodes (i.e.: Where it's revealed to us that MatsuJun wanted to be called Junnosuke, Sho can't do yoga, Ohno can't distinguish regular food from bitter food, Aiba + spicy food = A GREAT TV SHOW, and Nino is just an ass all the time) and those damn Child Minder segments. I can't seem to stop watching it. In the last three days, I've watched both Ohno/Sho's and Nino/Jun's like five times each. I don't know what it is about them, I just keep re-watching both.

I've also been on this crazy Perfume high. I don't purposely try to like them, but I find myself watching their performances over and over. I think I like their dancing just because it's so weirdly choreographed (not really ON the beat, you know?) but they're SO SO amazingly synchronized. And I watched a clip on Youtube when they're at karaoke, and they're REALLY GOOD singers. O_O

arashi, spaz, rl, chemistry

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