
Jan 14, 2008 19:54

Miwako has her own body now~ ♥

It was fun to be in Deidara's, though~! ♥^o^)/ Miwako appreciates him more now~! ♥ And she's still impressed~ :>

Deikun and I had lunch together yesterday, as well~ ♥ It was interesting to share a hug with my own body~ O: I'll have to talk more with Tobi and Deikun about their pervert play, too~! I wanna know! O: And I wanna check and see if Deikun really didn't cry out in the middle 'cause I really do think it would be a good Science project to find out why Miwako cries out~ To see if it's her, her body, or her boyfriend~ O: I think that's a really good experiment~! :C I wish I wasn't graduating now so that I could bug Hama about it~! She'd convince my Science teacher to let me do it as a project! ^o^ If she wasn't being the devil when I asked... O: Maybe Miwako will just figure out to conduct it on her own here~ XP I WANNA KNOW~!

Deikun, Miwako has clothes for you~ 9o9 They're not girly or anything~ She dressed you well and seriously, even if she did play around with make-up~ That was just for fun~ :3 But she really picked out clothes that would be best for Deikun~ So you can have them~! ♥ I think you'd like them~ Maybe? Miwako thought they looked good~! ♥

Gogokun, since we're talking again, does this mean we're friends again...~? :C I'd love that... ♥ :C

I took I really long bath..... -o- Deikun, Miwako's really happy that she got her body back this soon, however fun it was in yours. You could molest it, or pierce it, or draw on it, or even dress terribly, and Miwako would have been okay with it; but Miwako could not tolerate it... if her body was walking around stinky. -o-' I'm happy it wasn't terrible...


She took great care of your body while she was in it! I'll have you know that~! I even went out and got coconut oil to make your skin softer and clear up your complexion~ She exfoliated, too, and washed your everything a lot! AND even repainted your nails. Twice. Always black. She painted your toes black, too~ ♥ But you take bad care of bodies~ 9o9 I'm surprised your teeth are as nice as they are~

So Miwako will teach you. >O You will not smell. If she needs to MAKE you take a bath every day, then Miwako will go to your house every day to make you take a bath! Because stinking and being dirty is unacceptable! YOU'LL FEEL BETTER IF YOU'RE CLEAN AND HEALTHY. IT'S PROVEN AND TRUE. D< you. will. be. clean...~!

Elizabette is still alive...~ ♥ He's still eating lettuce and resting~ Georgiana is still being cute~

I'm going to go use some of that coconut oil, though~ ♥ Miwako will keep it, because she doesn't trust that Deikun won't dump it out or not even touch it if she gave it to him. He'll still get treated with it, though~ He will be hygenic~ ♥

Wahoo~! Miwako's never thought it was so great to wear a bra~! ♥♥♥

deidara, lessons, elizabette, georgiana, event: body switch, loldeidara, lunch, mission: deikun will be clean, sasori, yay!bra

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