
Dec 20, 2007 21:59

So.... I'm not really sure why the Gods allow things like that raid to happen. But they know better than I do, right~? They're Gods.

That was terrible, though. I'm glad that most of my friends are safe, to my knowledge~

Jonathon finally came and got his kitten~! 9v9 Haha, Jonathon, you're so lazy~~~~ SEE, THAT'S WHAT BEING DEPRESSED DOES TO YOU~! IT MAKES YOU LAZY AND LETHARGIC~!

There's going to be a ball~~~ ♥♥ Gogokun, are you going to go~? :D ♥

(I went with Jonathon to the last ball! ♥ That was fun~! But I think I'll vary the friends I hang around with each ball, you know~? ♥)

Elizabette looks cute. :3 He is enjoying his dresses~ ♥

I had fun at the tea party~! ♥ It was very nice to finally meet you, Suzakusan and Murugusan~! ♥ It was nice to see Gogokun Sasori so happy when he was around you~ It was very moving. ♥





Hua, now I can come visit you, Gogokun~! XP

Like I said to Ichimarukun, when I get there, I'm going to paint the ceilings of my house like a blue sky~ ♥ If anyone wants to help with that, it'll be really appreciated~! We'll have lots of fun~ ♥ (Zackkun, would you like to help~? ♥ It seems like something you'd enjoy~ ♥)

How are you~? :D ♥ We haven't talked in a while~! I miss you~! How're you doing in the weather~? Excited for Christmas~? Maybe not, you don't seem like much of a Christmas man to me~ XP I bet it's inside you, though~~ Sleeping~~~ ♥ ;D We'll see~~ I left you some sweets from the tea party on your doorstep~ Did you receive them~? ♥ Hope you've been having a nice day, Deikun~! ♥

There's a candy shop opening~! ♥ Ichimarukun is very helpful~! ♥ (I haven't talked to you in a while, either, Ichimarukun~! ♥ I'll have to visit you at the Upper Level now, hahaha~! ♥)

I almost miss the kitten, now, but Jonathon needs it more than we do, to make him happy~ ♥

Has anyone seen that unusual tree~? ♥ Isn't it pretty~? ♥

It's still snowing~! Kafukachan and I built a snow family~! ♥

(Kafukachan, we should try and be artistic and build snowpeople of our friends and loved ones~~~! ♥)

I think that's all~ ♥

How else is life going, everyone~? Doing well~? Having a good day~? ♥

I'm so excited for the ball~! Zackkun's ingenious~! ♥

ichimaru, deidara iz a christmas man inside!, candy, upper level, snowmen, zack, nozomu, tree, kitten, cookies, suzaku, moving, deidara, kafuka, snow, christmas, elizabette, shinra raid, sasori

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