Title: What happens In Arkham...Part 13
knives99 and
heatherhouse .
Fandom: Batman; Nolanverse
Pairing: Batman(Bruce)/The Joker
Rating: R
Summary: Bruce Wayne goes to Arkham in search of The Joker's Secrets and Identity and ends up with more then he bargined for.
Warnings: Slash, Violence, Swearing, Sex.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters and no
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I love the screwed up, childish boyman Jack is; the dependence, the insecurity, the curling/cuddling/wideeyesofcute. And the tragic, violated innocence of him. x3 I just wanna wrap him up in a blanket and supply him with plenty of spagetti bolognese, sweets and macabre colouring books!
"No, but we end up spending more time in the shower then anywhere else now." He said with a private smirk that he hid in his coffee cup.
Pictured that SO vividly. And I LOL'D.
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