May 01, 2006 18:05
Man! Just when things can't get any hatter, they do.
Friday I indeed got to film with Steve and Nick, and we got some good footage. The only thing left to shoot now is the final scene, which hopefully won't be too ridiculous hard to schedule, but probably will. There is still a lot of editing left to do though, mostly really annoying sound and lighting issues actually, so I'll be editing a lot sporadically over the next 10 days before it's due. I showed a rough version in class today and to my surprise the teacher didn't totally thrash me for the lighting/coloring, which was a definite plus.
Friday night I was just kind of hanging around and Dario called me and I went to go jam with him and some of his friends. One kid played the cello, and they were walking on this song Dario had brought up several times over the last year or so lol. Still didn't finish it. Then we worked on another song we played earlier in the semester and didn't finish it. We have no melody, so as soon as we get into the section, I would always try to come up with some guitar melody. I came up with a bunch of stuff, but it was never like a solid one melody, so what happened each time is it turned into like a 3 minute guitar solo and then we'd stop. Tom came by later with a homemade didgeridoo (from a PVC pipe) and I busted out the alto sax and we had a sweet drone party haha. Then Tom got on the guitar and we played this really sweet, funky-type jam thing, and it really awakened a part of me that realized I could so get a band together this summer if people are willing to jam and concentrate, if that makes sense. Like we could learn a bunch of songs, and then just mess around and if people listen, it's so doable. We don't even have to know that many songs.
Saturday was Spam Jam/May Day, the "spring weekend" type events. I decided to shave, and that morning instead of just shaving, I decided to have a crazy moustache and sideburns kinda like Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction only thicker and more crazy cowboy-ish. Zach and I went outside to play some guitars before heading over to the festivities, and like 10 people we knew just happened to walk by, and it was cool. I was going to wear my cowboy hat to complete the look, then I decided I didn't want to just totally stick out, but when we got to Spam Jam, it turns out it was Western-themed and a good number of people were wearing cowboy hats! I was so ponssed. They had some pretty good burgers, and they had coolers of Tang actually, which I thought was awesome. There was a mechanical bull which I was going to try but didn't and some other cromp. Mostly just sat around and chongled.
Saturday night I went ice skating with a bunch of people again. I think my skates weren't as sharp as last time or something because I found it just a little bit harder.
Sunday was crongzy busy. I woke up to help set-up with the Stag Awards around 9. Went to the Media Center, loaded the truck with cromp, etc. Basically so much of the day was spent quoting the Juggernaut. It was great/hilarious. I love how the Juggernaut video is like an inside joke that everyone knows. Like I can just say "What the fuck is this shit?" which is a relatively normal phrase, but if I sort of do the voice, someone is bound to respond "Oh I'm trippin off acid" or "Have you ever seen a costume like mine?" or something. So Paul and I were mostly just saying this junk, but pretty much everyone I talked to either knew about it and joked around. Or thought I was totally insane (very few).
I took a break around noon to eat and attend the be-all end-all event of the semester: The Kostka-Claver Big Wheels race!! Chuck, Alex, and Steve had been talking about this since at least the beginning of the semester. We never did the documentary on it, but man, it was like the hattest event. Between specatators and participants, something like 30 people came, which is really good for an event at Fairfield. I was in the first heat against JD and this girl Kari. I was off and running, but JD and I collided and then he recovered quickly. I spent the rest of the race trying to play catch-up, but once he was on the narrow trail I couldn't pass him. So I was officially eliminated here, but then in the semi-finals, another racer was needed to even out the heats, and as a 2nd placer from the first round (and most importantly, perhaps, friend of the organizers), I got put in. This time I thought I had a sure win, I was smoking the competition like a salmon, but then this kid cheated and cut off this huge corner and came from behind to pass me. So I was like "Hey, whoa," but then I saw he wasn't slowing down and I was like "What the fuck is this shit? Is he a fucking ass?" So I pedaled so hard to catch up, and actually caught him in the narrow path, but our bikes locked and then he pushed me and the other kid off (legal? questionable) and took the win. Anyways, I really hate cheaters, and this kid was a d bag. I could actually see it before the race, but I didn't want to be prejudiced. Turns out I just have a good d bag sense sometimes. So he got disqualified and justice was sorta done.
In the end JD took first place (XBOX 360 w/ game), some kid I didn't know got 2nd (Portable DVD player w/ King Kong), and Marsalis (the 2nd placer from that ghonto cheat-match) got 3rd (Kareoke machine). Afterwards, Steve, Alex, Chuck and I took the big wheels back to Kostka to lock them up. We were waiting for an RA to show up with the key, and we were driving em up and down the hall way and pulling hard stops ahah. IT rocked. Then JD showed up (he's an RA) and before we put 'em away got a couple good 5 person chain things.
Afterwards, I took a shower and returned to the Stag Awards. Most of the set up was done, so I came back to do HW, then found out as new President of Film Club I had to go to this Board of Governors meeting, which showed just how much bullshont and paper work is required for any simple thing club-related. After that I went to Stag Awards for real, and was roving camera man which is probably the most fun job. Just get random close-ups, alternate angles to be edited in later. Go anywhere, pull any shont you want, get in peoples' face.
Today my turbos were short as funk. Only John Daly and I showed our rough cuts in Filmmaking, and in Recording Techniques everyone showed their 2 minute song and then we left. Jared had told me the Juggernaut people had made other videos (!!!) and in between these classes, Steve and I watched most of 'em (I was late for Recording Techniques as a result!) They were funny, and a couple of really great parts, but over all not as good as the Juggernaut one. Still worth a watch, just maybe not 1000s of watches like the Juggernaut.
One more day of class. Tomorrow. Yeah. That's bad. Baddest end of classes in the world.