Your result for The 4-Variable Buffy Personality Test...
64% amorality, 64% passion, 55% spirituality, 18% selflessness
You probably have a complicated, multi-faceted personality. Kind of like Glory-Ben-Glorificus.
Passionate and driven with a spiritual side that comes out at times, a healthy taste for the finer things in life and a willingness to do what's necessary to achieve your ends. You're assertive and have no problems standing up for yourself.
And, push come to shove, you're the closest anyone's ever come to straight-up beating the Slayer and her gang.
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Nerds, Geeks & Dorks Professional Wrestling Love & Sexuality America/Politics Thanks Again! --
THE 4-VARIABLE BUFFY PERSONALITY TESTTake The 4-Variable Buffy Personality Test at
HelloQuizzy Your result for The Zombie Apocalypse Personality Test...
The Foot Soldier
54% Aggression and 52% Leadership!
You are the Foot Soldier. Solid, determined, and capable, you do what needs to be done. You don't go looking to start fights, but you don't have a problem with ending them. Preferring others to lead, you serve to protect the core of the group while others think the big thoughts.
Take The Zombie Apocalypse Personality Test at