Jun 10, 2006 10:26
Whew whata friday I had. First business of the day was to play as much Sodoku as we could. Owen is really good, Joe is really good, Mom and I are ok. I can do the puzzles slowly, but I am getting better. After our puzzle maina we went to town for chow, instead of the Chefs In we ate at a different Hamburger joint. I forget the name (I suck at names don't I?) anyhow it was not nearly as good as the Chefs In, which has AWESOME burgers. The only place at home that I know of that rivals TCI is In and Out Burger. I bought a Battery for my digital camera and hope to have some pictures to post when I get back. I didn't bring my USB cord and only have a 16 mb card /facepalm.
After lunch we went to ace to get supplies to build a stand for the bell we use to let everybody know dinner is ready. Its a really old bell, it says the company name then the year which was 1896. Not sure if the bell was made then, but it is at least as old as the cabin itself. The wooden tower had to be replaced. So, Chris and his family made the stand, and my stepfather, brother and I erected it and tested it out. Works like a charm. We then put a ladder on our floating pier that we use when we go a way out and want to just lie in the sun. The water was not that bad, but the wind killed us. I hated that wind!
After our chores. I helped mom made some really good perch, with corn on the cob, and asparagus. Sure doesn't sound like much, but we had a happy hour with crackers, cucumber, carrots and yellow bell pepper and smoked whitetail fish paste, which is just delicious. I could eat the stuff for days.
Then, Owen and I went to Wares. We actually held out for 3 days before our first trip to the frozen dairyland of sweet sweet sugar. Owen had a regular sunday, while I had a Boston Milkshake. For those of you that don't know, a boston milkshake, is a milkshake, with a hot fudge sunday on top of that! Yes I am going to die young if I eat a lot of those, but man they are so good!
Owen and I then went to town to find some clubs. Unfortunately there isn't much in the way of clubs here as there is in SB, it is a much smaller town, but also they have very different taste. So we went to a Bar, the Union Street Station, and listened to a great independent band called The Rag Birds (www.theragbirds.com). They had a great band with many different instruments and could play them well, there was just a great vibe. So, O and I went ordered some Guinness and listened to the music for about two hours. It was great, a lot of people were there and the band had quite a few people dancing. It was fun. We arrived back at the cabin at round 2 o'clock. Whew!
And that's all folks.