[Filtered to the Way | In which Hana tries to set a good example for the rest of the crew]

Mar 01, 2009 05:18

I...did miss Zeetha's quiz. As ship's doctor I suppose I am somewhat duty-bound to share my answers with you.


1. What constitutes the act of sex?
In its most basic form, the insertion of a penis into a vagina, followed by vigorous thrusting motions, hopefully leading to orgasm for both partners.

In its more general form , any activity between two or more individuals resulting in sexual pleasure can be considered 'sex'.

2. Are there different types of sex? If so, describe them.
There are several different forms of sex. oral sex involves the stimulation of the genitals with the mouth. Vaginal sex is it as its most basic, and is used for reproduction. Mutual masturbation is the use of hands to stimulate your partner's genitals. And then there's also anal sex, which is sex play involving the anus.


1. List three myths or urban legends about sex or contraception you know are untrue.
That pulling out is a foolproof method of contraception, that a woman can't get pregnant on the first time, and that masturbation can prevent pregnancy.

2. Can a woman get pregnant if she has sex during her period?
It's unlikely, but possible.

3. Can a woman get pregnant after she engages in anal intercourse?
It's unlikely, but if any seminal fluid is transmitted from the anus to the vagina, it's possible.

4. Can a woman get pregnant if she has sex with a race of humanoid besides her own?
To my knowledge, not many studies have been done on this subject.

5. Is it possible for men to get pregnant?


1. List all forms of contraception you are aware of.
See my previous post on this subject for details.

2. Do you know what the effectiveness level of these contraceptives are? If they are used in combination?
The most reliable is the condom, which is almost one hundred percent effective if it is taken care of and used properly and does not break during intercourse. Pulling out is not very effective, but is better than nothing. The calender method is almost useless, due to variances in the menstrual cycle.

3. Are you aware of any risks involved with their use?
All forms of contraception still carry with them the risk of pregnancy and disease.

4. Do you know where to acquire any of these contraceptive devices?
Condoms can be purchased in virtually any port, although they are not often widely advertised.

5. Who should you consult before using them?
Consult your local physician.


1. What is a sexual disease? How are they spread?
Sexual diseases are diseases spread via transmission of sexual fluids during intercourse, or otherwise transmitted via sexual activity.

2. List any sexual diseases you are aware of.
There are too many to list, but major examples include Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and pubic lice.

3. How can you prevent contracting these diseases, or minimize the risk of doing so?
Using a condom, selecting your partners carefully and remaining monogamous will help to minimize your risk.

4. Are there any treatment options available?
There are, but they are highly unpleasant and not very effective.


1. Do you find the subject embarrassing? Why or why not?
Well...yeah. It's a highly personal matter.

[PRIVATE]2. How often do you engage in it? Do you think that is normal?
Once a day, usually...I think that's probably more than usual.[/PRIVATE]

3. Would you feel comfortable discussing the subject with any future romantic partners?
Well...maybe, maybe not.

5. What are the benefits of masturbation? Are there any negatives?
It allows for a private release of sexual tensions without any real negative repurcussions.

6. List any urban legends or myths you have heard about masturbation.
There are number of myths surrounding it, such as that it makes you go blind, causes hair to grow on your palms, and has negative effects on your state of mind and physical capabilities.

why is hana having to do this, hana is a responsible doctor, doctor mode, oh god why me, whyyyyyyyy

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