My SPLJ4 Answers!

May 04, 2007 18:02

Your knitting/crocheting habits & desires

1. Do you knit, crochet, or do both? *I knit*

2. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? *Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? I guess I've been knitting for a few years now, 3 or so probably. I got snowed in at my then-sorta-boyfriend's house & the farthest we could get was the Wal-Mart, so I bought one of those "teach yourself to knit" kits. I didn't get real into it though until about a year or so ago. I guess I'm an intermediate in some areas, a total novice in others.*

3. What are your favorite yarns or fibers to knit with? What yarns/fibers do you avoid, dislike or hate? Are you allergic to any fibers? *I'm sort of a "yarn snob". I love using alpaca, wool, silk, cotton - basically any of the natural fibers. I really don't use much acrylic (occasionally if I love the color or the texture) and I pretty much avoid all novelty yarns. Especially fun fur. It's cute, but I hate knitting with it. Not allergic to any, though.*

4. What do you use to store your needles/hooks? How about your other tools, like stitch holders and point protectors? Where do you store your yarn? *My straight needles are in a basket on my desk, my circs and some of my yarn stash are in this stacking basket thingy, along with my "extras" like cable needles. My little stuff (ie stitch markers & point protectors) pretty much lives in a ziploc until I can find a better place for it. The rest of my yarn is in various places - I really gotta get more organized, but I don't have a lot of good storage containers for my yarn.*

5. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Do you have a needle preference-bamboo, aluminum, plastic, etc.? Any needles you'd like to try? *I like straight or circular. I love bamboos, and am really dying to try the rosewood or other wood needles too. And these awesome glass ones I saw - but they are WAY too expensive! I'm ok with aluminums, depending on the project, but really really REALLY don't like plastics.*

6. Do you own a ball winder and/or swift? Would you prefer to receive center-pull balls of yarn, if the person that has you owns a winder/swift and is so inclined? *No to ball winder and swift. I'd love to have them, but don't yet. Center-pull balls would be nice, it's really a pain to try to wind yarn by hand.*

7. Are you a sock knitter? Do you want to learn? *I'm trying to learn. I am working on my first pair, but am a bit lost.*

8. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? *LACE!!! I am really into shawls lately, but also like to make scarves, bags, pretty much whatever gets my attention.*

9. What are you knitting right now? Any current obsessions like socks, lace, felting, etc.? *I have a few projects going. The blue shawl, a Branching Out scarf, and the socks. I think sometimes I'm a little too scattered with my knitting.*

10. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? What have you always wanted to try knitting/crocheting? *Lots - some I mentioned in earlier questions, like the needles I want to try. The books I've been fawning over are pretty much on my Amazon list - any lace book is a BIG plus!. I'd love to try some new lace yarn, I've only used Jaegerspun Zephyr & Seasilk - but love both of them. I'm not real picky, but I usually want to try all the new things I see.*

11. How old is your oldest UFO (UnFinished Object)? *About 5 months - but does it count if it's a WIP? If not, then the next oldest is 3 months.*

12. Do you have any knitting magazine subscriptions? Any that you love or buy regularly? *Don't have any, but like to flip through various ones when I can.*

13. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?*Yup!*

14. Would you like to receive hand knitted socks? If so, what are your foot measurements? (Don't give just your shoe size-measure around the ball of your foot and also the length from heel to toe.) Of course, giving this information is no guarantee that you will actually receive knitted socks. It's just in case. *Again, Yup. I'll have to get back to you with my measurements though - my tape measure isn't handy.*

Non-knitting stuff

1. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? Include a link. *yup - I think this is the link.

2. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products, etc.) Any you can't stand? *I love vanilla, berry, florals, etc. Basically anything feminine, but not "little-girly", nothing too candy like, and not really into the "musk" type scents.*

3. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy or snacks? Anything you would hate to get? *Yup, a whole mouth full of them! I am a sucker for really good milk chocolate. Also lately I've been into licorice (especially dutch licorice), and for a cheap sugar fix I've been going for skittles or good-n-plentys.*

4. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (in case your buddy wants to make you a CD)*Almost anything, but especially classic rock.*

5. What is your favorite holiday? *Christmas!*

6. Do you have a favorite animated character, animal, etc.? *Not an animated character - but I love teddy bears*

7. Are you into any fandoms? (Harry Potter, Buffy, etc.) *I'm into Harry Potter - the books & movies - but not really into the whole fandom thing. Same for Buffy & Charmed. Into the shows when they're on, but not an uber-fan.*

8. How do you decorate your room/house? Is there anything that you collect? *I like a combo of classic/romantic/traditional. Hard to explain! I collect Blue Glass, cookbooks, and Teddy Bears*

9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand? Is there a specific color family/palette that you enjoy knitting with or wearing? *I am somewhat obsessed with Blue. I like most jewel tones, earth tones, and some pastels - not the overly sugar-sweet ones, though. I really really don't like neon or extremely bright colors.*

10. Would you like and use icons, layouts, banners or wallpapers? Anything specific? *I would use & like them, but can't think of anything specific.*

Other information about you

1. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin? Dye yarn? Are you looking to try any of these, and which ones? *I am learning to spin with a drop spindle & am starting to dye yarn, also. I love it! I also scrapbook a bit & make cards sometimes. I'd like to try beading, as well.*

2. What is your family/living situation? Do you have any pets? *I currently live with my parents, no pets*

3. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens/gloves, slippers or ponchos? *Yes to all - depending on the color, and no pompoms!*

4. Do you make graphics? Do you have a paid Livejournal account? *nope & nope again*

5. When is your birthday? (mm/dd) *January 6*

6. Anything else you'd like to add? *Can't think of anything now - but feel free to ask questions if you have any*
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