It hit me that beyond my Halloween party, I am now mere weeks away from
National Novel Writing Month. This year is going to be a test because this time last year I was job-free, and could dedicate more time to reaching my goal. I have decided that what I need to do is structure myself- sitting down and writing is 90% of the mountain I need to climb. I need to do about 2,000 words a day to be comfortable with my progress, and shelter me if I need a day or two off.
What I have worked out for my schedule:
- 1) Have outline done by November 1st, and dedicate morning ritual to constructing plot in my head.
- 2) Bring laptop to work for all of November. Retreat to upstairs and type away Monday- Thursday at lunch.
- 3) Spend an extra hour per day at home typing.
- 4) Thursday night get an extra hour in.
- 5) Friday morning will allow me 2 hours.
- 6) Saturday can be another two hours.
- 7) Type during dead times at work on Sunday, and then an added hour at home.
So what am I writing about? I'm still playing with that issue. I have less than a month to figure it out.