Jun 09, 2006 22:38
Saturday morning, I accidentally slept in and Hayz and Flury went off to breakfast without me. I looked around for them for a bit and then went out for a late breakfast with Whitesides. After breakfast, we met up on the way back to the room to have the delayed Halo game we had scheduled for last year. I was a bit surprised to find so many people already in the room. There were about a dozen people in there that I hadn't seen in quite a while to witness the Halo game. The teams were, as tradition, Flury and I versus Justin Crymes and Justin Haselden.
We first played a round of Slayer on Damnation. I played horribly for the first half of the game, but pulled back into 3rd by the end of the round. Flury, on the other hand, did extremely well and was in first for most of the game. The final ranking in game 1 was:
1st - Flury
2nd - Crymes
3rd - Me
4th - Hayz
Flury and I won the game. It was close though. The score was around 50-46.
For the next game, Crymes chose Slayer on Prisoner. Now, I don't know why he chose this map after narrowly losing the first game because both Flury and I are particularly good at that map. The result was quite ugly. The score was about 50-26 in Flury's and my favor. Flury and I had almost the same score throughout the game, but Flury had one or two more kills at the end. It was obviously a nasty round because Hayz beat out Crymes for 3 rd.
1st: Flury
2nd: Me
3rd: Hayz
4th: Crymes
The final game was Capture the Flag on Sidewinder. The game started well for Flury and me. We each captured Team Justin's flag once, making the score 2-0 with 3 caps necessary to win. Team Justin was resilient though and pulled out the win with 3 caps in a row after a few times Flury and I almost capped. It was a close game and the kill count showed it.
1st: Me
2nd: Crymes
3rd: Flury
4th Hayz
Of note, however, everyone's kill count was within 10 points of each other. Flury and I just pushed too hard for the fast win and it cost us the game.
1st: Team Justin
2nd: Team Awesome
The other guys played Halo after we had finished, but we didn't have time to watch. We realized that there were only a few hours left before Flury's wedding and we hadn't eaten lunch yet. Flury was kind enough to offer to pay. After a short discussion, we decided to go to the nearby Outback because we didn't have time to look around further. Flury's brother demanded a blooming onion despite the fact that we didn't have time for an appetizer and no one was going to help him eat it. Flury said no. His brother came up with the "fool proof" argument of, "but mom said I could have one," to which Hayz promptly replied, "How could she have? She didn't know we were coming here." After stuttering for a bit, Flury's brother gave up.
After our pleasant lunch, we hurried back to get changed. The Furman folks were still hard at work on the Halo box while we got changed. We then all jumped in one of the two busses heading to Flury's wedding. The driver was a bit crazy, but we got there safely. We had to take some back roads since there was an accident, but we got there on time.
We waited and ushered people to their seats while we waited in the beautiful weather on the beach. Most people kindly cleared off the area we were using. (except one fat lady) I also passed along some advice about marriage my father once gave me before he took the plunge. He seemed to find it amusing.
The wedding itself was on the short side and was pleasant. Only one or two boats went by and they weren't disruptive. Hayz, the best man, read a passage Flury had chosen from the Bible. I can't think of anything in particular to write about the ceremony. Everything went well.
After the pictures, we went to the reception. There were again a number of toasts. I still don't like the taste of alcohol, but I participated anyhow for Flury's sake. We all hung out, chatted, and feasted once more. Flury and Emily exited while people assaulted them with roses. They then proceeded to drive around a bit before sneaking back in for their first intimate and likely awkward night together. Some of the Furman guys left that evening as well. After the last of the party died down, we went to sleep for our early morning.