May 27, 2005 23:45
BEES!!... they attacked was CRAZY, like the attack of the bees or something! we were at nickis grandmas house swimming and her uncle sprayed raid on a beehive and they went crazy and they started going everywhere TONS OF THEM!! me and marla and sarah were running around nickis tennis court thing trying to run away and then me and marla jumped into the pool to try to save ourselves and there was all of nickis little cousins and me and marla were like screaming like no tomorrow and nickis aunt was kinda like umm can u guys try not to scream and then we ran out of the pool and marla accidentally unhooked my bikini top and for a split second I was about to flash everyone! then were running out in the middle of the street at the meadows in our bikinis and we looked insane. Mostly everyone got stung I got stung twice in my head lol but its no big it was just really scary. Then the fire trucks came along with two ambulances and a policeman, it was way crazy! so yea that was my day.... tomorrows beach time with david ;D