(no subject)

Jan 27, 2009 18:50

... so hey, guys. Who remembers the previous pimp posts? warning: all of those posts are 2000+ comments. smaller, previous explanation post is here.

swornmyoaths and I are doing another one on Friday, since it's been over a year since the last one. SAME DEAL AS ALWAYS, and if none of the above posts make a lick of sense to you, please feel free to ask anything here. \o/ And as always, all antics will be contained to one post (or two, depending on if a continuation goes up).

ALSO, given that there is currently a coma'd event going on, I can easily backdate the post to last Friday to allow for everyone to participate? Or, as per your shepherd:

I say timespace rape is our friend, and if people want to participate, they can--people can freak out about HOW ARE YOU AWAKE?! only to have them keel over later. *g*
Or you know, they're awake in the pimping post but someone later is like "wtf, they never left the hospital they've been out all this time"
OKAY \o/

Party on.

better recognize

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