The Cupcake Hex

Jan 15, 2009 23:51

I think on Thursdays after my Arts and Letters class (which is such a bullshit class I can’t believe its mandatory) I’m going to start going to the gym at the student union. I notice I tend to not work out at all on Thursdays so maybe this will work.
I am trying to disprove that theory about energy produces energy / the more you work out, the more energized you feel. For some reason that idea real bugs me but I don’t know exactly why. I like the idea of running until I feel dead inside and collapsing.
So far the results have been mixed, sometimes I am utterly exhausted and other times I have a runners high.

So I had this weird issue with cupcakes. There is this place that sells these jumbo cupcakes and they are really good. Anyway the other day I had one for breakfast, went back and had one for lunch, and then went back and had one for dinner. I was in a fucking sugarcoma or something, it’s like I couldn’t control my actions. Each one had different neon colored frosting so I may have been hypnotized by the colors. Anyway that’s all I ate that day. Then last night, I had dreams about cupcakes. Multiple dreams. Then today in class, I got the taste of them in my mouth out of nowhere. I don’t know what the hell they put in that batter but I am scared to go back there. Weird thing is, I don’t even really like cupcakes, ha.
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