Dec 14, 2008 22:23
Well I haven’t been able to sleep very well, which always changes my personality. Even with my sleeping pills I haven’t been able to get any real sleep. I sleep an hour here or an hour there but nothing solid. Everything seems so slowed down, which makes everything I think in my head feel like its going so much faster than I know it is.
Anyways, I watched a lot of Current this weekend. I really love that channel (especially when i’m all zombied out), yeah sometimes they show crap but then six minutes later it’s a new pod and there is something else on. So this weekend they showed this documentary called Japan: Robot Nation. I don’t know why I was so intrigued by it but I was. It’s about how Japan’s population is decreasing rapidly and how the robotics industry seems like a likely solution for their culture. It was actually sad. There were these lonely old people playing with robot animals that were designed to respond to their affection. Oh and I read this statistic that said every 15 minutes there is a Japanese suicide.
So yeah, I wanna move to Japan now. It’s super hard to get citizenship but I can dream can’t I, plus I’m not talking about now…I’ll wait til the machines take over. Don’t get me wrong, I like California but all the people can drive you insane. To think that there is a place on earth where the amount of humans are decreasing, well that is just a treasure.