Ultimate Comics: Spiderman #1-2
In Short: OMG U GAIS, SO ADORBS. I WANT ONE JUST LIKE HIM. Like, eventually and stuff. /thumb twiddling
At Length: So if you keep up with comics then you know that a little while ago, people lost their ever-loving shit because (1) the Ultimate-verse Peter Parker - which isn’t even the main Marvel Comics-verse, fyi - was killed off, which led to (2) a new legacy character being introduced as the new Spiderman and OMG HE’S BLACK (and “half hispanic”).
So, you know, there were the usual reactions which were totally level-headed, intelligent, and totes not racist, proving we live in a post-racial society. /sarcasm Not gonna lie, my squee was a little harshed.
(EDIT: LOL somehow I forgot to put this in) I know that hating on Bendis is old hat for some long time Marvel fans and part of it is admittedly deserved, and blah-blah stretching things out and writing for trade and all that, but I’m feeling really charmed right now. He’s soft-spoken and thoughtful and oh-so-young. Bendis is really building up his family around him and filling him out, Pitchelli’s art is fantastic and expressive, and I really do want one just like him. So I will definitely be supporting this one.
Ultimate Comics: X-Men #1
In Short: Apprehensive, yet illogically hopeful.
At Length: By chance, I was reading reviews at ye old
comicsalliance and Ultimate X-Men caught my eye. They’re restarting everything in the Ultimates-verse with #1s (again) and the storyline looked interesting.
(An internment storyline, again! Shut up they’re great - except for that one post house-of-m civil-war-era-616 interning mutants on Xavier’s motherfucking front lawn for their own good bullshit. Fuck that storyline and the rest of Civil War up the ass.)
But my greatest reason for buying it was what I read in the preview and what had to be the deliberately paralleling of the press secretaries responses to Barbara Bush’s asinine comments after Hurricane Katrina:
"What I'm hearing which is sort of scary is that they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this (chuckle) - this is working very well for them." -Former First Lady Barbara Bush, on the hurricane evacuees at the Astrodome in Houston, Sept. 5, 2005
“You know firsthand that mutants now in the government’s care are beign treated with dignity and compassion… The fact is, most of the mutants in those centers are living in better conditions now than they were before they were admitted… Executive Order 3144 has saved lives, human and mutant alike.” - Ultimate Comics: X-Men #1
I fully expect to have my soul crushed and all joy and life sucked out of me by the dementor that is mainstream superhero comics within about, oh, ten issues. But it’s the journey, right?
Speaking of Soul Crushing
So how about that DCnU?
In Short: My overall general reaction is that DC Comics can suck the shit out of my black ass, the worthless fucks.
At Length: Fuck them and their shit with Amanda Waller, for Harley Quinn. Fuck their OOC Starfire, and their “sexy”, “edgy” Catwoman. Fuck their fucking fuck when it comes to Voodoo. Fuck their ableism and making Barbara Gordon a ~real~ hero again by rescuing her poor wheelchair-bound self from her Oracle identity. And fuck everything for there being FOUR. SEPARATE. BATMAN. TITLES. Did we really need all of them? WTAF? No seriously, fuck them.
That being said, I still bought Batwoman, Static Shock, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman, because I am a weak-willed woman and DC is my shitty boyfriend out of Lifetime movie that I keep going back to.
(Ugh, I just want Batwoman to be an angsty badass who intimidates people in a moderately to highly sexualized manner always. Is that too much to ask?)