May 30, 2005 23:34
Well, This whole vacation had been fucking insane! so much fun...
Thursday right out of school, PARTY! alll night bitches i stayed at my friend matt's house and holy shit did i need it...soooooo drunk.. like not even funny and other things to but hey that's a whole nother story that i shall not get into now...
Friday - I forgot what i did...
Saturday - I saw Steph at the carnival.. by far the best night.. it rained and i was with my love....then...
Sunday - Me and steph broke up.. but thanks to anton he helped me out alot, I love my friends.
Monday - I spent the day with Meg, Sar, Liz, and Josh... it was fun we did alot of stuff haha, then i went to the movies with steph paige and sebby, that was pretty cool to. Steph, your absolutely amazing. I can't wait to have you back in my arms baby.