I've been really upset about this whole Prop 8 thing (CA proposition that intends to modify the state constitution to only allow 1-woman-1-man marriages) the last few weeks. I've been most upset by the fact that it seems to be predominantly Churches and (self-proclaimed) Christians that are leading the charge for the proposition (i.e. against gay marriage). This boggles my mind - I'm no religious scholar, but I'm fairly certain that this kind of intolerance of our fellow human beings is precisely the *opposite* of what Christianity teaches.
Let's back up a bit. It may surprise some of you to know that I used to be extremely active in my (now, former) church. I was the youth representative on our Pastor Nominating Committee, I taught Sunday School to the younger kids for a couple years, and I was a counselor at the church's Vacation Bible School every summer for several years. So, I'm not exactly bringing this up without some knowledge of the subject - although, again, I'm no expert. I should point out that I did leave that church; for a variety of reasons, none of which are relevant to this discussion.
The Bible does have a small bit to say on the subject of homosexuality, but it's fairly brief and is referenced in the Old Testament. The main point of Christianity is that Jesus represents a new covenant with God. The Old Testament is there, it's...history, basically. The New Testament and, specifically, Jesus' teachings are what make up the fundamentals of Christianity.
According to Matthew (the book, not me), when Jesus was asked what the most important ("greatest") commandment was, he responded: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. This is where the expression "Love Thy Neighbor" comes from in the first place! How I read this, and how it has been explained to me over the years is that one of the most important things you can do as a Christian, above all else, is to show love and compassion for your fellow human beings.
How, then, do we go from that concept to these hateful words and ideas being thrown around against the gay and lesbian community? There is a church I drive past every day on my way home from work, and it is littered with "Yes On 8" signs. I just want to walk in and scream at them until they realize how Un-Christian they are being, but I can't. How do we make people realize the way this behavior reflects on them and their community?
When people think of Christians and Christianity they should think of kind and generous people, not of hate and spite. In the end, I think it's important that those that are voting yes on 8, because of religious beliefs, should ask themselves "What would Jesus do?" - I think he'd vote for tolerance and understanding over persecution and discrimination every single time.
Please vote NO on 8.