So even though I'm bound for Lewisham to catch an ungodly train to Gatwick en route to Reykjavik, I'm still keeping in touch with the news. And
this seems to be getting all the more freaky-deeky by the minute.
Long and short: In the simmering -- now totally open -- conflict between Hamas and Fatah, the latter has lost most, if not all control, in the Gaza Strip. In an attempt to reel things in, Mahmoud Abbas has (a) ended the government, (b) declared a state of emergency and (c) if true, roads are being built connecting Jordan and the West Bank more thoroughly, with the Badr Brigades, a Palestinian-manned unit of the Jordanian military prepping to cross the border.
If this is all true -- and I recommend to read all of the entries in the last week or so for on-site material, including some interesting quotations from Palestinian and Lebanese individuals -- this promises to shake things up just a bit. Just like
this website could spice up the debate around the upcoming Farm Bill, which is being worked on as we speak. The farm bill gets written up every five years -- this is for the 2008 edition -- and more focus is being placed on ending subsidies for large-scale/CAFO operations and trying to get smaller farms and sustainable operations on the table. Click the site, click the links. There's only so much you can watch on Youtube.
More to come on both issues once I'm done packing.Wish me the best, hehe.