Ian Lind

Oct 10, 2005 16:13

I'm a bit shocked that he responded to my post of him here:


Understand that I am not easily impressed. However, Ian Lind really impresses me for various reasons which are personal:

At the time that I wrote that post I did not want to ask him if he's Hawaiian but I looked up the "Lind" name in the Kamehameha Schools Alumni Directory and his mother is listed in there. (No... I won't list her name, address, nor other personal information but his IP address came out of Laie which is near Kaaawa where he currently resides with his wife.)

Here is example of his impressive work:


In any case I do not question that he is oiwi nor have I ever asked as it is considered rude to ask someone if they are Hawaiian. Sometimes I am rude and I do and WILL ask, "Are you oiwi?" However most of the time I try not to be rude *LOL*

In any case he has a picture of his great grandmother, Kina Kahooilimoku, who was born in Hana; his grandmother, Heleualani Eva Cathcart; and her younger sister, Helen:


So it's unofficially official: Ian Lind IS Hawaiian. I had a feeling too because the Honolulu Starbulletin did fire him though they use the word "lay off" or something similar. In other words... they lie about it but why lie? They shoul djust admit it but by admitting that they fired him they would be admitting to many things on many levels. However that does not change the truth. Anyway he is actually one reason why I nag the people at the Honolulu Starbulletin because they fired him:


In any case... I am not easily impressed. However he really impresses me which says a lot. Anyway I read his website often but like when I was a child... I watch and observe. That is how we learn the most. ANYWAY his website is here:


And I had a feeling he was oiwi. I could just tell though I am wrong some times. I knew it. Even then and some people don't understand me when I state this... but Hawaiians have no reason to lie when they say that they are Hawaiian. Of course there are Hawaiian Wanna Bes. Personally I think that Sandra Burgess is lying about being Hawaiian and eventually I will find out *LOL* Seriously....

My naau always tells me that there is something wrong with her claim that she is Hawaiian. In time my Hawaiian ancestors will help me because I strongly believe that they did not let me die in that car accident when I was six years old when my doctors told my mother that I was not going to survive. They've always watched over me. Someone will find out and soon. I have no doubts.

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