Kamehameha Schools and David Malo

Aug 02, 2005 16:53

Today is a very sad day for all Hawaiians. I state this because the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals today ruled that Kamehameha Schools' admission policy of Hawaiians-only is unconstitutional. This is a threat to all Hawaiians. Actually to all Americans because when you think about it... if we do not protect indigenous people then America will not be diverse. It will just be WHITE. There will be no diversity. Look at what happened at Brown University. Edit: And at Dartmouth. Do people want this? What about the rights of indigenous people???

Some people have been misappropriating the Hawaiian word "hapa" trying to take a Hawaiian word from our culture thus trying to slowly take our language. Now it seems like they are trying to take our right to educate our children. Every bit adds up.

Anyway Kamehameha Schools is the ONLY school for Hawaiians. It's similar to schools that they have for native American Indians. Well here is the bad news that makes me extremely sad not because of what people may think but because it ultimately affects all children. This is probably what David Malo meant when he describe the White Tide which he used to describe the effect of the White People who came to Hawai'i which created a huge wave that drowned Hawaiians and now the White Wave may drown all of us. This is exactly why I hate people sometimes because they can be so cruel to other human beings:

Court Rules Against Kamehameha Admission Policy
Appeals Court Says Hawaiians-Only Policy Unconstitutional

Brent Suyama
POSTED: 9:26 am HST August 2, 2005

UPDATED: 10:04 am HST August 2, 2005

HONOLULU -- The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that Kamehameha Schools' admission policy of Hawaiians only is unconstitutional.

A three-judge panel overturned the decision by U.S. District Judge Alan Kay in November 2003.

Kay ruled that the private school may continue to deny admission to non-Hawaiian students because of its unique and historical circumstances. Kay emphasized that Kamehameha receives no federal funding and because of that, the private school isn't held up to the same scrutiny as public schools.

Eric Grant is the attorney for an unnamed non-Hawaiian who wants to go to Kamehameha. He has argued that the federal courts have never approved a policy that categorically excludes on the basis of race.

Kamehameha Schools was set up by the trust of Bernice Pauahi Bishop and was started in 1887.

The school's next step could be to appeal the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court

Seen at http://www.thehawaiichannel.com/news/4800595/detail.html

You can read the ruling here:


It looks like the parent or guardian of the child who petitioned the court is Filipino (i.e. "Josephine Helelani Pauahi Rapago.") Looks like a Filipino Hawaiian Wanna Be to me but I may be wrong. Anyway it doesn't matter if she's Filipino or not though. It only shows how some people irrelevant of ethnicity disrespect Hawaiians because they are Hawaiian. Unfortunately we comprise approximately .1% of the population of the U.S. which makes us easy targets for the White Tide to drown us.

It also makes me sad that there are numerous Hawaiian attorneys who are not taking the initiative to defend and protect other Hawaiians. Where are they?

This is a sign that they want to get rid of Hawaiians and I take that threat seriously on numerous levels which I won't go into but the circuit court is a tool to get Hawaiians to support the Akaka Bill so that we will be protected thus forcing us into a check mate which I don't agree with because it is not by free will. This is not right on so many levels.

Well workout tonight (1.5 hours,) study languages, read, pack for Dallas (I'm leaving this Thursday) then to Washington DC... then I'll return next week Friday.

racism against hawaiians, kamehameha schools

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