More Letters. Ken Conklin.

Sep 19, 2004 11:34

This person clearly sends a message to Ken Conklin. As many people know, Ken Conklin is a retired math teacher supposedly with a PhD in the Philosophy of Education. He preaches and teaches hatred towards Hawaiians and he likes to make us look as though we hate Haole people. However many Hawaiians are part Haole. That is where his logic fails. Also overall Hawaiians are peaceful, loving, kind people. We really should change that perception because people like Ken Conklin like to disrespect us and they misinterpret us. Before Hawaiians would not protest. It was only during the 1970s where physical protests became common.

Fortunately Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians marched... for unity and this letter points out that Ken fears Hawaiians. I have told him that he shouldn't fear us but I also told him that I can understand because he has a condo in Kaneohe and he is afraid that once Hawaiians' civil rights are protected and defended then he will have to leave:

Hawaiian marchers seek only justice

"I am intrigued by Ken Conklin's description of the red-shirted marchers down Kalakaua Avenue on Labor Day ("Waikiki march promotes racial separatism," Star-Bulletin, Sept. 10). We seem to have been watching different events, or perhaps our perceptions differ.

We moved quite leisurely; we waved; we smiled; we were respectful and, to our knowledge, did not stomp on anyone or anything. We were certainly a large and cohesive group, but we were not the mob of Conklin's imagination. We did not walk to espouse racial privilege; our red shirts spoke to our plea for justice. We strolled through Waikiki, the playground of our particular youth and that of generations before us, long before perverse tides deposited Conklin upon our shores. He should not pretend to exclude us from this venue; these are our streets. We welcome him to share them.

I support Kamehameha Schools unequivocally. The faces of her students are the "rainbow society" that Conklin seeks. We see rainbow; he sees racism.

Conklin seeks to eliminate the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and Hawaiian Homes Land; we seek to repeal Chapter 38. He seeks Hawaiian money and land; we seek justice.

We did not march to generate "apathy." Apathy has been our historical enemy. We seek to awaken, to excite and to energize. If Conklin didn't hear the voice of the silent majority, he wasn't listening. They strolled by him.

Conklin's letter does not describe the march; it describes his fears of Hawaiian unity.

Davis K. Ho


Then in this letter it seems as though a Haole is supporting us which is cool. I've made the font bold because I agree with the message and I think it's an important one:

People should unite for Hawaiian rights

"I was struck by a tourist's comment about the recent gathering of kanaka maoli in Waikiki. He said that he did not even know there were people in Hawaii who did not think they were part of the United States and who wanted their land back.

Are all of you readers out there content to sit on the perimeter of the circle and watch Hawaiians struggle to keep their entitlements, private trusts and right to leasehold income, to protect sacred lands from military machines, to press for political recognition and assert unambiguous claims to stolen lands?

Let's unite to move forward. Let us support them. Let's speak to our children and friends about Hawaiian ideals, about land and culture and real justice for our hosts whose ancestors nurtured this beautiful land we live on today.

Pupukahi i holomua -- unite to move forward."

R. Kinslow

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Cross-posted to abouthawaii

kenneth conklin phd, kenneth r conklin, ken conklin, kenneth r conklin phd, racism, racism against hawaiians, ken conklin phd, racists against hawaiians, kenneth conklin

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