Apr 25, 2010 01:41
Lately I been getting very irritated at work, and who doesn't. Usually with costumers, again who doesn't. Work has been stressful, hours are cut, there are limitations of people and more things to do in so little time. I do what I can to cope with the costumer's needs, but when it comes down to pointing the finger, I will tend to get bitchy. Usually I am quite clam when someone tries to give me hardship, but only if they go to far I will let them know. I wont go deep into my old roots of negativity, they closed for good and I make sure they stay closed. However, I see people who get on my nerves as weeds that grow around me. I would meditate, but how to do so in a working environment that is quite hectic is beyond me. I can't really judge them either, maybe they are like me, they too have had a bad day or is having a difficult time. Though keep in mind, I am aware of some who are just stubborn, selfish and downright idiotic. But I guess I should not let it get to me, but that is a statement that is easier said then done. And it is not only costumers, but also some employees as well.
I guess all I can do is tough it out until something better that catches my interest comes along the way. An acting career? Also been making some improvement on my art, but art won't really pay the bills, but I guess it could entertain or impress some. Even give inspiration, but of course that is not my objective when it comes to drawing, only that would be for writing and directing, someday hopefully.