Feb 11, 2007 15:32
Yesterday was most excellent. Drew- feeling better- decided that it was time to take advantage of his being in Gwinnett. We called up Marmot, Fargo, and one of our other friends- Jeremy and we decided it was TIAM TO GO OUT. Shorty tagged along and was relatively good. We went out to a Japanese-fast-food place called Joy of Tokyo. They are really cheap and for their price, it was pretty good. THEY HAD A DELICIOUS EEL RICE BOWL. I MUST EAT. EAT EAT EAT. While we were in there, some kids walked in and one was wearing a Naruto jacket. We all were like "... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA OH WOW" It took all we could not to mock them.
Anyway, after me and Jeremy made a mad dash across the highway and everybody else was lame and went to the crosswalk, we wandered about Hollywood Video looking at stuff. I got some gumballs. :D Then me and Marmot were like "zomgIt'stiamtogotoeat!" Because it was her 16th birthday and she was going to take me out to Mr. Tin's (her Vietnamese neighbor) resteruant. So we get dropped off at my house and are then subsequently picked up by her parents.
Now Marmot has a brother named BJ. BJ looks EXACTLY like a younger version of Spock. Thusly, he is known simply as "Spock". We're driving along and chatting when suddenly I see something out of the corner of my eye. I look back and Spock is just sitting there, in utter silence, half-asleep, in the back seat. For some reason, this scared the living crap out of me. I was all like "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" and Marmot's like "LOL WU- *turns around* *sees Spock* ARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" It's like.. ... It was somethin' magic. XD Of course, Spock is like "...D8 WUT?!"
We then get to the resteruant and eat the moast delicious soup evar. I ate the whole bowl and subsequently impressed Marmot and her mom. XD It was like, a ramen-esque soup. It had thin rice noodles and beef and deliciousness. I also had strawberry bubbletea. ;w; Bubbletea is love.
Then we went back to Marmot's place for DELICIOUS CAEK. We decorated the cake with Suiseiseki/Desu and wrote "delicious caek ~desu" on it. It was very humorous. After eating delicious cake, we played FFX for a bit, but Marmot's oreos tried to keel her so I went on home. ;w; Feel better soon, mein Marmot~!
Today has been a mixed bag o' chips. Dad has been having random pissy moods lately. I think it's from the stress of him getting a new job. Weird much. *sighs* He had one today and basically made me and MK feel like we were failures at life because we don't "take the initiave" to clean house and stuff. Ugh. Whatever. Just when I'm getting really emo/depressed I am rescued by the best thing ever: THE ARRIVAL OF MY NEW ANIME FIGURES! :DDDDD Emma and ZOMGREI came today and they are both absolutely fabulous. Emma is so heavy~ When Marmot is better, we'll get together and take pictures and I'll post them here. MK also got a figure and she is absolutely adorable. Her's is overall better quality than mine, honestly. But I loev Emma and Rei. So.. Yeah. GO AWAY.
So now, I'm sitting here, writing this. :D Yeah. I need more music. And new speakers. And more hard drive space. And a DVD burner. ... Yeah.
delicious caek,
bad day,