(no subject)

Jan 12, 2009 12:48

Not much going on right now. I mean, yeah the Titans lost in a totally bullshit game against the Baltimore Ravens, but I am slowly coming to terms with it. We had a new chick at DND named... Uh, Deborah? I think? She was like 30 (though looked 25) so that was interesting. We didn't do anything really so yeah.

lol Drew's almost-girlfriend Erika likes Doctor Who. When I got home from DND Saturday night me and her fangirled over Who at high speeds for about 10 minutes. It was hilarious.

"And oh my god in that one part in that one episode-"
"I KNOW oh god I love that scene"
"And then shaking the radiation into his foot?"
"Yes yes!! And wibbley-wobbley-"

Ffff Drew was just like "wtf ???" I've showed him an episode of it and he's interested in subscribing to the newsletter for more information so so so yeah.

I want to go to the AWA Formal Ball in full High Council of Gallifrey Time Lord robes. Because that would be hilarious. I mean, just LOOK at those head dress things!

(5th Doctor included free of charge!)

That would be priceless to walk into the ball with THAT on (and with Drew in a full SS Uniform. Best duo ever. "Oh I'm known as the ML and this is my companion in time traveling, Herr Adler." Ffffffffffffffff) All those anime kids versus a Time Lord in a funny hat. AWESOME.

However, it would be AWESOME to walk into a Dragon*Con formal event in that. Total geek streetcred.

I should stop eating random crumbs off of my desk just to see what they are. Not healthy.

Aggggggggggh my pinky hurts make the hurt go away

I guess I should be going to school now. Time to finish up that Epic of Gilgamesh paper. God I love the Epic of Gilgamesh. Seriously. It's awesome. And kinda gay but whatever.

What I Really Want to Do:
Get high, play Tales of the Abyss, watch Doctor Who. Nioce.

What I Really Will Do:
Not get high, go to school, listen to Doctor Who episodes in the background. Not as Nioce.

d*c, awa, wtf, lol, dnd, drew, rambling, football, doctor who

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