Whew, I'm tired.
Today nothing really happened. I woke up, ate breakfast, and then went to school. I finished half of Life Science, so now I only have the lessons 3, 5, and 6 exams, the final, and the two journals to do. Easy easy easy. We're talking one day easy. Maybe that'll happen tomorrow. Then I got a bit too jittery for my liking so I decided to calm myself down by showering- which always helps for some reason. Good move. Now I've chilled out some and I can probably do a few more small things- some Japanese for example. Also- got 100s on my WebQuests for Math. w00t.
Last day of physio tomorrow. I am so gonna miss those hot wax dips and the anti-inflammatory injection things. Next stop is a rheumatologist, which I keep forgetting to call Dr. Patel to get recommendations. Oh damn, I missed their closing by an hour. >:/ Maybe tomorrow I should go to their offices since they're like, 2 seconds away from physio. They're in the same building, after all. Yeah. I think I'll do that. Anyway, I also am going to see Dr. Patel on the 27th sooo yeah.
Also, I failed to mention in my shopping post that we also stopped by Kohls at one point to get something for MK. While we were there, I found the most awesome amazing black wool peacoat ever. However it was 120 bucks so we couldn't afford it. I was all like "Orz DESPAIR. I WILL NEVER FIND ANOTHER BLACK WOOL MID-THIGH LENGTH PEACOAT THAT IS FITTED, NOT DOUBLE BREASTED, HAS POCKET DETAILS, AND A BELT THAT FITS ME THIS WELL EVER AGAIN. DESPAIR." But you know, I had to live with it. However! Grandma Donna has said that she will buy it for me for my birthday. YAY. I HAVE WARM COAT THAT IS PRETTY NOW! SUPER F'ING AWESOME. My warm coats- like the kinds for 50 and under weather- are all ugly and not like, outfit go withy. Uh, yeah I hope that makes sense. Anyway, I am very pleased. (Coat can be viewed here:
Augh. I forgot. I need to dust Mom's room. Fail.
Now I am hungry, so I'll probably go heat up some Japanese curry and rice from last night. So bye.