Last night Dad came in and ate a midnight snack with me. During this he was like "...Your room is a mess." And I was like "Orz I know. I was going to clean it on Saturday but then... Well, things happened, you know." And he was all like "lol yeah. You can take the day off and clean it tomorrow because seriously, this is really bad." And I was all "8D THNXU MUCH." So that's what I did today. I still need to vacuum and do some more laundry but other than that... The vacuum may be done tomorrow because of laundry stuff, but whatever.
Alright, I need to get organized for this school year. I'm going to try to follow a schedule from now on because I need to get crackin' for serious. I know I always say this, but whatever. It makes me feel better about my situation. XD;; Encourage me to stick to it plz.
No update on Mema. We'll probably get one tonight.
Did I mention that my Mage core rulebook came? Well it did. I love it muchly and it's going to be a really fun game to play. :3 There WILL be explosions. I might like it better than Vampire somewhat because it's more laid back and I'm not pressured to make the game all refined and dark and despair and angst and stuff. So yeah.
...It feels weird to have a clean room. o_o
Aaaaauugggh. I hate this stuff so much. I am so... dead right now. I want to do something; my brain is wired and has the compulsion to do things. But I am exhausted and so robotic that I can't think of anything to do and if I get an idea it doesn't sound enjoyable. It's. Driving. Me. Insane. And I almost always feel like this after taking the stuff unless I get stimulation from an outside source. Auuuggghh. ;_; I hate being on this stuff but there's no other alternative. The idea of having to take this stuff constantly for the next year is very, very depressing. It just breaks my spirit. But... what can you do? *sighs* I just wish I could work like a normal person. My ADD isn't severe, but it's still enough to potentially ruin me if I don't keep it in check. I do not work without medication. It is nearly impossible to force me to work on a regular basis and not goof off without it. And a "bonus": because it sometimes kills my creativity, it makes it harder to do writing assignments. Guys, my writers block is something EPIC right now. X_X Well, aside from livejournal entries because that's stream of thought kinda thing. I've just got to work really hard and get school done quickly. The fast I finish, the less time on dexedrine. I mean, I'll have to take in college somewhat too, but I predict I won't have to take it as much. (Like only during boring classes and homework)
I wish I could get someone to do some of my work. But that's cheating and all that. ¬_¬