(no subject)

Sep 25, 2007 17:24

So. AWA 13. Let's talk.

MK and Keri took the day off from school on Friday to leave at the same time as us for ease of things. We left at 9:30 with Marmot and Fargo with a simple drive there. Drew and I found MK and Keri while Marmot and Fargo went to go park the car. We had to wait till 1:00 PM to get into our hotel room, since that was when we checked in. During the wait, we got our passes and looked around the con for a bit, figured out what panels and such to go to, etc. We got in line for the dealer's room and met up with several old friends, which was really nice! We get in the dealer's room and begin to scrounge around. Mostly Naruto, Bleach, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy junk, unfortunately. And bad figures. Blargh. BUT! They did have a pretty decent selection of Fate/Stay Night stuff! I had $33 bucks to spend, but more on that later.

We checked into the hotel room, got our stuff set up, and then ate delicious, hot, free lunch. That was such a magical feeling. XD Then, we headed back to the convention. Friday was spent mostly just walking around, talking with people, and generally having fun. I blew all my money that day on two things. Me and Drew attended Totally Lame Anime and Anime Hell and nearly died of laughter. Good, good, good times.

My major purchase was a lovely Saber in her armor figure! It was 30 bucks. It's a BOME, which made me apprehensive about buying it at first since they come on cards and I've learned that anything that comes on a card is generally bad. However, she is FABULOUS! She's standing in a neutral pose with both Caliburn and Excalibur. The swords are removable, and very nicely detailed- especially Caliburn. They are a bit loose in her hands, which is annoying, but they still stay pretty well. I put Caliburn in her left hand and Excalibur in her right. The paint is very, very good, and there's really no seam lines. There's a bit of a smudge on her left boot, but it's not noticeable. Her hair isn't that detailed, which sucks. It's the main reason why the figure doesn't get an A. If I had a camera, I'd take pics. The other purchase I made was a tiny one- a big pink pin that says "LOVE <3 YURI" in white around the edge with two bathroom symbol girls holding hands in the center. It's most excellent- I wore it on my vest and I got to talk to several people about yuri because of it. >w< I plan to wear it to every AWA from now on, so that I can find people of like minded fandom. I also discovered another person who agreed with me about my view on Yaoi! When I said that I didn't like yaoi because of the crazed fans they were all like "OH GOD!! YOU TOO?!" It was hilarious!

Edit- You can see my Saber figure here: http://www.hlj.com/product/KYD01101

I talked a lot with this really hot Seras cosplayer who was REALLY awesome. She had a great costume and knew Chad and some of my other friends! Hopefully I can talk to her some more next year since she was awesome. I should've asked for her AIM name.

That night me and Drew met up with some cool people- Alex and Drake. We superchilled with them around the convention till about 4 AM when me and Drew finally went to bed.

Saturday we spent the day wandering around with Jeremy Powell as well as Greg (yes, the Russian one from all those years ago! He's moved back and he's awesome.) and Jeremy (Someone who I used to think was evil, but is now alright.). We watched a bit of RomeoxJuliet while waiting for Les Miserables Shoujo Cosette (which never came on ><), which was VERY good. I'm planning to download and watch it. We also attended PANEL OF DOOM, where we witnessed Drew winning an air sex competition. SEE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQcvFAsOfBE He became famous around the con for that, you know. We were stopped multiple times and asked "Hey, aren't you that air sex guy from panel of doom?!" That night was the small albeit fun 4Chan meet. Later that night we went to see Peelander-Z and the Emeralds. The show was AMAZING!! No getting up on stage this time- too far in the back. =/ But I did get to touch every person who crowd surfed- The lead singer of the Emeralds, Peelander Yellow, and Peelander Red- except for Peelander Blue. Orz I will get him next year! I also got Peelander Red's signature and my picture taken with him. (He's my favorite! Dreadlocks for the win!) I was going to go superchill with Drew, Greg, Jeremy (not Powell), Alex, and Drake, but my body had given out from rocking so hard at the concert so I went back to the hotel room where I had an excellent conversation with Marmot and Fargo before going to sleep.

Sunday we packed up and left, simple as that. XD

Cosplay overall was sub-par and was made up mostly by Bleach, Naruto, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts cosplayers, as usual. There were no cosplays that particularly blew my mind that I saw, though I took quite a few pictures. Though not anime, the most amazing costumers were this group of Steampunk people. Their armor/weapons/thingamajigs were AMAZING, as were their costumes.

Overall, best AWA yet. I didn't really make many new friends, which sucked. But oh well. I had an amazing time. I CANNOT WAIT FOR AWA 14! Oh god, I cannot wait. >w< I'll have gotten a job and have money to spend.

Well, that's all to report. Peace.

awa, awesome, saber, marmot, fsn, drew, air sex, fargo, animu, yuri, cosplay, figures

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