Dec 12, 2005 22:14
Yeah, that phrase only works when your neighbors don’t feel they can walk into your gated yard whenever the feel like. We recently got ourselves a fence for two main reasons.
1. Privacy
2. So my dog can run around a play without the neighborhood freaking out.
I have a soon to be 3 year old Labrador Retriever and for all three years that I’ve had him I’ve had to deal with the neighbors getting all crazy about him running around with out a leach. Now Mink, my dog, is not the only dog running free. It’s like an unsaid rule that if you know your dog is good and won’t bite or attack anyone it’s okay to let him go as long as you’re around. Things were pretty good with Mink when he first came home but now the whole place is crawling with dogs. There is not ONE person this neighborhood who doesn’t own a dog, not one. So seeing dogs run around is no big deal. But for some reason when people see MY dog they start freaking out as if he’s going to attack them. My dog, in all honesty, is a bit hyper and LOVES to play. When people surround him he goes crazy trying to play with everyone all at once. But peoples see this as a wild dog. Poor thing is misunderstood.
Moving back to the point, a few days ago we got the final instillation on our fence complete with two gates. Ever since then Mink has been able to run around in the yard without a care in the world and we’re happy for him. Today however I was rudely awakened when I looked outside to see Mink playing with Rocco INSIDE our fence. Now Rocco is a dog that lives across the street and about four houses down. Now I ask you, how did a dog get into a locked fence? He couldn’t have done it on his own which means his owner must have open OUR gate to let his dog in. Now tell me, what makes a person do this?!
After two years of people threatening to call the pond to send MY dog away because he was playing outside fee we thought that getting a fence people would leave us alone {mind you Mink wasn’t the only god running around without a leach but it was him they picked on}. Oh no, it seems us buying a fence to some means that they can drop their dog of to play as if it were some kind of daycare?! We haven’t even had the fence up for SENVEN days yet. WHAT THE CRAP? Who knows if this is the first time this has happened? What if this was done while both my mother and I were out to work and school? Will they do it again? No. Why you ask, I’ll tell you. After I saw the scene in my backyard I ran outside and put Rocco out of our property and was forced to put a chain and lock on the gate. Doesn’t’ that defeat the purpose of having a fence if you have to lock it to keep others OUT?
*Sigh* this just pissed me off SO much.