Apr 21, 2008 15:14
So I went in for my exam. Met the doctor and the nurse who helps her (FEMALE Dr. FTW). Both of them were amazing, Kaiser = Epic here in Denver. Well, Health care/Doctors here in Denver = EPIC. Seriously. I'm impressed and I've spent a good long ass chunk out of nearly 20 years being in and out of doctors' offices, hospitals and Urgent Care for various things.
Blood pressure and such was 120 over 82. So I'm on the "Normal-High" line. Not a good thing but, not as bad as it could be either. I let the doctor know what happened, she was an awesome lady with an incredible accent (shut. up. I notice these things) at the gym, what Jaime (the personal trainer) said and tested me for and agreed that I did the right thing by stopping when, as Mom put it, "the little voice said stop".
I let her take it from there and she asked a series of questions, looked over my history and asked what ran in the family, asked about my habits and everything.
And agreed that something was up and that she wanted to run some tests.
I'm used to having to reschedule from some obnoxious time in the morning for tests and such. Oh no. No no no, she didn't have any of that.
"I'm ordering an EKG and blood work (CALLED IT BITCHES, I CALLED THAT ONE); change into this and we'll get started."
...Holy damn that was fast.
So I'll be getting the results back... when?
Not a week to ten days from now if things go well.
Yes. You heard me right.
By tomorrow; and I don't call her; she's calling me with the results.
Holy damn am I one impressed little bitch at that point.
Went to get blood work done; the girl at the desk was an intern, had to be, she didn't look a day over 22 if that. And I'm sorry; I'm not usually a blonde kind of gal but;damn. She had the sweetest face (kind of baby face but adorable in that "oh goddamn she's hot") kind of way. She leads me back into the room, has me sit down and I ask her which arm she'd like. XD I'm used to blood work.
Tourniquet gets slapped on (Holy shit; I spelled that right. HELL YES) and, this will gross you out; I watch her. I have to, I can't stand not looking at what someone's doing to me. I have to know what they're doing, how and everything to chill my own jets.
I felt nothing; she slipped that thing in there and was done in three minutes tops.
Hot and with a sensitive, sure touch. *drum snare*
Anyways, in the words of my doctor (who goddamn I will be going to see again if, Heaven forbid, I have any other medical problems or general "ughfuckingkillme" sicknesses I'll tend to get):
"Best case scenario is that your tests come back positive and good, we will fit a heart monitor on you and go from there."
Heart monitor huh, I'll be researching that; Mom's on one right now apparently. And she was like, "Oooh, the hyperthyroid.. I should make them test that on me as well." considering she's having the same but opposite issue I'm having; instead of losing the weight, she's gaining it. The heart being too fast is what we've got in common; heart, thyroid and diabeties is in the family.
"Worst case scenario is that something is wrong with your heart and/or thyroid gland, in which case we will be sending you directly to a specialist without delay to get this treated before any complications arise."
Bzzwuuh. Holy damn. Talk about medical service.
Memo to self: Don't forget to let her know in the morning/etc when she calls that there are issues in the family surrounding the gall bladder and kidney region as well so we can rule those out.
blood pressure,