Aug 16, 2007 10:23
Strong or weak?
You can't be both in this world, not unless you have someone who has your strengths as their weaknesses and your weaknesses as their strengths.
Sure the past sucks ass, even if you don't remember it or you choose to recall it every day of your life.
But if you're going to continue in this world and survive; you can't just flip out over little trivial things and then let it completely rule your life until you start upsetting the people around you.
Sometimes you have to make the sacrifice of your own happiness to make sure everyone else is. You'll be repaid eventually; good and bad things come in threes after all.
Things aren't as bad as they seem, it's the pessimistic view on life if you're really stressing over it that much.
But then again, the things you think are going well really aren't in the first place; you're projecting an illusion on to what you believe is going well to avoid the confrontation and the pain, the issues and the inevitable that approaches closer and closer behind you.
Remember what the High Priestess represents; Hidden, Secretive Knowledge; things you aren't able to see.
Will you play The Fool and pretend to be blind to everything except what you know isn't as bad as you make it out to be? Or will you open your eyes and let Justice and Truth shed their light on the subject?
Who is this entry for?
Is it for me? Is it for you? I don't know; it's up to everyone who reads this to decide for themselves.
Am I speaking to you? Does this make you angry? Relieved? Agreeable? Surprised?
Disappointed? Frustrated?
Does it matter?
If it affects you or you think I'm speaking to you, feel free to comment; I don't mind. Though I may not answer in return; it does depend on the message given.
Take the risk? Don't take the risk? It's up to you.