Nov 21, 2006 13:20
My dear Inuyasha fandom, I've loved and cherished you for nearly seven years now, helped with the rapecontribution of your fanfiction and even purchased several of your manga, DVDs, etc to show and proclaim my love for you. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you dear fandom... except that;
You betrayed me! Like a dirty h0r you betrayed me! *weeps* This new abomination you call a "game" is horrid! And I thought Juso no Kamen (Secret of the Cursed Mask) was Sue/Stu fodder but alas, you prove me wrong again! "Secrets of the Divine Jewel"? Please, rip my heart out and just cast it away why don't you? And What's this?!
Blonde haired female character with fire powers who looks to be wearing blue and purple modern day clothing?! Oh and named Janis. dear fandom, please for the love of Midoriko, stop raping yourself with Sues.
No love for you right now... not until I get my scans of this week's chapter at least.
But my GOD was DS!chibi!Kagome adorable