Odd Dreams and some Meme

Sep 16, 2006 12:11

Passed out pretty early last night and didn't wake up until about 11:30am today. Guess I really was tired. x_x; I do have a shitload of posting to do today though on roleplays:

Shi and Izayoi's Quest (outside the game and inside of it)
Raven's Duel
Raven's Quest (Where I get to play the Boss)

Arcion's Duel with Kira (Archer vs. Archer, fun shit)
Sasuke's Quest with Kira (bound to be some shade of entertaining since he's the one person so far who makes Kira paranoid as hell.)

Gaia Online
Children of the Moon (My character was somehow given the title of Leader of said COTM.)

Loveless (Passion's the name of the team of Ren and Crys)
Pokemon *shut up* (Sybil and Lexi)

So I've woken up startled from a few different dreams at various points last night/this morning. Music's starting to fail keeping them away so... shit.

One I can most remember: Has to do with a little sister of mine (I wind up "adopting" people, remember that) that I haven't seen in a while. It wasn't a good dream considering that somehow, I'd found out that she was in a car accident and no one could/would tell me anything about it. Also, I was in Fred Meyer for some reason when Angela, MaryAnn, Jamie Lemon and Dawn came in and started talking to me about Jill's suddenly poor performances in school. They wouldn't answer my questions either, just kept talking to me about how she was in school. Very freakin' annoying, concerning and confusion.

There were a few other ones but, they're not clear enough for me to remember.

Odd thing that's been happening lately though: My windchime in my room, I think I got it from my grandfather before he died (he's away in the afterlife, haven't felt a presence from him or nothin' for years... doesn't help that he's probably pissed at me for forgetting everything... whatever everything was. ) keeps chiming when there's no windows open, the fans off and nothing is moving. And it's not a regular chime either. Not all of them are being chimed; just one the of the pipes/bars/etc being chimed about three times with five seconds apart. (Yes, I counted.) Weird.

Anyways, memes:

What type of Fae are you?

Huh, dunno if that sounds like me.

Find your Celestial Choir

Huh, took it a second time and got Seraphim. *shrugs* Guess I'm somewhere between.

-.-; Not amused.


Figures, I usually get this one.

dreams, busy, loveless, divergence, meme

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