
Jul 02, 2006 11:21

OK, a little discussion here. What is the deal with all the yaoi that permeates everything relating to any anime that has hot guys in it? The same thing cannot be said for yuri, though there is certainly plenty of that out there. Now, I have no PROBLEM with yaoi or yuri. Hell I like boys kissing boys just as much as the next fangirl, but what I DON'T get is the way that people seem to feel the need to CREATE yaoi when it doesn't exist. I mean, come on girls. Not all male characters are yaoi. DEAL with it, sweetie. It's so prevalent in fanart and fanfiction. I mean, I have to weed through mountains of random yaoi fics to find one decent heterosexual Naruto fanfic. And it's not even all the SasuNaru stuff. I can understand yaoi when there is at least some way to imply the possibility from the canon material. Sure, despite the fact taht Naruto has a crush on Sakura, it's not that hard to come up with the idea that he's so intent on bringing Sasuke back b/c of some hidden feelings. Don't agree with it, but can see the point. But why, in instances where there is NO insinuation, NO material, NO nothing, do fangirls feel the need to create yaoi. Is there some sort of addiction I'm not aware of that requires that there be 3 times as much yaoi as there is NORMAL material? Yaoi Yhatzee is pointless. Oh, for those who dont' know, yaoi yhatzee is where you take a cup and fill it full of all the bishies in a series, shake it around, then you pair up the 2 that you dump out, regardless of whether there is any basis for it. I guess perhaps it is my detestment of plotholes that makes it seem even more pointless to me. I do the same thing with hetero couples. So what if A. and B. might look cute together, is there any basis for them to BE together? No, b/c B. is head over heels for C. It just doens't make sense. And I like things to make sense.
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