Jun 02, 2004 18:43
baaddddd baddd day. im pretty much over it tho. just its funny how happy i can be and then how much certain people and their bullshit can bring me down.
uhh after school went to kt's.
we ate, watched grind, did the usual.
ryan stopped by and a kid jumped out of his trunk. hah yeahh?
came home and slept
kt woke me up @ like 8 and made me go on a bikeride with her.
came home @ 9... ate some chicken for dinner.
swam @ kt's with her and zach. yay i approve of her new hubby. hes a cool kid.
came home, shower, phone with some lovers, bed.
uhh school was alright... lant wasnt there. hell yes.
walked home w/ kris and chels nuzum. yaya! loooove them.
went to kt's. brett, collin, and mahlon were there.
came home for a hot sec and did some stuff for my mom.
went back to kt's. everyone plus carterrrr* was there.
then the boys and mah left.
ryan, zach and ben? came over. we chilled outside.
they left. me kt and carter relaxed in kt's room.
went home. pEyToN wrote me a poem...
PeYtOn8701: when im lying here in your arms
PeYtOn8701: finding it hard to believe
PeYtOn8701: im in heavennnnn
PeYtOn8701: its a poem i wrote for you
^ see! what can i say? shes a babe.
GAHHH NEWS FLASH EVERYONE: little bro shaved his head too! ahh!
about to go to guada for din din with mi familia and the daniels. scooore. hah yeah. chicken cheese quesadillas here i come!
later everyone. hope you have a lovely night. hey by the way... i sowwy mah mah i looooove youu.sooo much.
<3 hannah...
& sheila! haha kt and carter! we so coool!