First Fandom: Harry Potter. It was during that break between the fifth and sixth books that I got into it (my reading speed is ridiculous, so those books, even the last ones, last me all of about five hours before they're done. I NEEDED MY FIX.) Interestingly enough I stumbled upon my first fanfic during a search for porn. (Was I squickily young to be watching porn? Yes. was I doing it anyway? Yes. Did I break the computer with internet STDs? You betcha.) I was a Harry/Ginny shipper, and also wrote my first fic for this fandom: A Mary-Sue self insert called Kestrel Cascara. In my defense, technically speaking I wasn't old enough to have a
FFN account at the time.
My first slash fandom was Stargate: Atlantis, in which I wrote another self-insert, a Harry Potter crossover, and a few McKay/Weir and McKay/Sheppard WIPs. I also beta'd my brother's hilarious
attempt at fanfic. It was a learning experience. I learned by screwing up and then cringing in embarassment. (Incidentially, I think I sometimes still learn the most this way.)
My next fandom (my first "serious" fandom, I like to think) was Heroes. I watched the first and second seasons back to back, and at some point something deep inside of me snapped and went "OMG Molly has two daddies!!1!!1!" and thus, a hardcore Matthinder fangirl was born. I wrote various and many M^3 fluffy one-shots, a few more angsty ones, and one
series which I'm still working on. (I believe this style of progress is known as "disjointed incrementalism".) Then Molly disappeared, Matt got the ability to paint and a destiny!wife, Mohinder was suddenly divorced from all his conflicted motivations and became Spidey!Mo, Sylar and Elle suddenly had new characters, Maya failed to get a character, Arthur was the worst villain ever, Maury died, and... you get the idea. Basically, the characters I had grown to love with all their flaws had disappeared. It's getting better now, but it might be a while before I actually start writing for this fandom again (bar the series, which was always AU, but now is really, really AU). The stories I'm really proud of in the Heroes fandom are
Awkward, Snarky and Rum-Laced,
Fatherhood, and
Strange Bedfellows.
I think at this point you can all tell which fandom I reside in. I got into Torchwood and Doctor Who at the same time, and it's nearly impossible for me to seperate these two fandoms in my mind. My stuff is normally Torchwood based, because I love the characters, and there's always been something about the people who can't just take off from their problems and must deal with the full consequences of their reactions that's called out to me. After all, the Doctor always ends up back on his TARDIS, ready to go anywhere in time and space besides where and when he is now. At Torchwood, when you've just sacrificed a girl for the good of the world, where do you hide? Back at the Hub with all the people who watched you do it and objected? Also, the characters are more interesting. Ianto is so screwed up and screwed over, and yet, so capable. Jack is eternally fucked and still functioning, still living. Tosh was such a lonely, awkward character, and Owen was such a caring bastard. Gwen, I self-identify with a bit too much (I spent most of Day One going "That's me! I would totally release the sex alien on Cardiff on my first day!" and it didn't get any better from there. Although I have less serial killers randomly singing my praises, I must admit.) to feel really comfortable writing her, although
The Holiday Spirit is easily one of my most popular fics, and that was mostly from her POV, so I'm tossing about the idea of giving it another go.
Side Note; Is there such a thing as a crossover fandom? Because if so I'm totally active in the Heroes/Whoniverse fandom.
So now, it's your turn:
-First official fandom/fanfiction experience
-First time you started writing fanfic
-First time you read/wrote slash
-Tell me about your current fandom