Jun 23, 2006 07:44
All right, since I really didn't hear much yesterday from anyone on my post, I'm doing a friend's list wipe. Everyone who doesn't comment by the end of this coming week will be taken off, because I'm seriously feeling like people don't care.
I'm exempting a few people from this cut. Those are:
Kristin- because she actually took the time to comment yesterday
Chris- because he took the time to talk to me about what was going on
Pat- same thing, actually talked to me about what was upsetting me
Michelle- she's actually been helping me through stuff that's bugging me
Cissie- because I'm pretty sure she's away for a while
Elizabeth- she actually bothered to im me and talk it out with me, and was worried about being kicked off
Dawnsy- comment
An- comment
Liz- comment
Nicky- comment
Anyone else is open to be cut unless they comment.
Edit- For people who may have not been on livejournal yesterday, I put this entry so you can keep yourselves on my friend's list. I also know some people don't fit what I was yelling at people for yesterday, and sorry to put you guys through this, but I want to make sure people actually read.