paper cuts and bitter tea

Sep 13, 2012 04:39

secret/u-kiss kiseop/jieun
1650 words ; pg-13 (for some language) ; office au
one day she meets someone like herself

and she wonders what she ever did to deserve this )

pairing: kiseop/jieun, fandom: secret, #pearlfuchsia, rating: pg-13, fandom: u-kiss, #oneshot

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Comments 13

kisoap September 13 2012, 21:25:04 UTC


kisoap September 13 2012, 21:52:48 UTC
first of all, i'd just like to say congrats on your first post here ;~; *throws confetti and balloons everywhere*

i loved this ;-; i loved how jieun and kiseop were able to find each other and relate to one another. it was cute when they made eye contact. precious bbs are preciously cute and bashful ♥

Jieun's smile grows at Kiseop's bashfulness and she wonders what she ever did to deserve this.

"Yeah. I'd like that."

^this just tied the whole thing together for me like a pretty ribbon on a present ;-; you did a great job bb! ^^b
/gives hearts ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


pearlfuchsia September 13 2012, 22:16:48 UTC
ahhhhh thank you so much bb ;A; it took me long enough OTL
I've wanted to write this pairing for a while now and I'm really happy with the result (tbh this isn't even the whole thing, it was meant to be longer but I decided to make that separate 8D)

vakflah the ending was my favorite part ♥ I'm glad you liked it ;~;
/accepts all the hearts ;___; ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


yeomin September 14 2012, 09:24:05 UTC
this is such a random pairing. (at least, it is to me) but i'm so going to ship them from now on.
and an office au! of all au's out there, this has to be one of my favorites. and you wrote it so well ;w;
i love how they're both shy, but then kiseop actually tries to make a first move, gets embarrassed and then it's jieun's turn to make a move and just anfkjsasdnj. i really like shy people trying to flirt. it's the most adorable thing ever.

and it's good that you love this too, because it's awesome and adorable and one of my favorite fics of yours ♥

(also, i really missed your writing ;w;)


pearlfuchsia September 15 2012, 00:45:00 UTC
lmao it really is. tbh this pairing was actually inspired by a crackship edit I saw on tumblr and I just thought 'hey, I could ship this.' and now I do /puts on my ship captain hat
this au was really fun. there's actually a second part to this (though not so office-y) that I'll try to get up soon. and I have another fic already started for this pairing. lol

that whole part is my favorite xD took ages to actually get them to meet (this was suppose to be a drabble lmao) but it was well worth it! I feel awful proud of this and hearing you say that makes me happy ;3; ♥ ♥

I missed writing! I've been in a writing drought all summer and now it's finally coming back to me~


cinoire September 17 2012, 23:05:36 UTC
this is like crazy adorable and really made me :3 facing the whole time i was reading it.
i can't wait to read the second part!

also let me just say i am SO happy someone finally fic-ed this pairing because they've been one of my crack otps for the longest time and i didn't think there was anyone else in the world who shipped them (aside from those tumblr graphics, i've seen those too lol) and they would seriously just be the cutest together

p.s. meming this! n_n


pearlfuchsia September 18 2012, 00:45:30 UTC
Oh gosh ;A; your comment just made my day ♥
I'm happy you liked it so much and even happier you're looking forward to the second piece :3 I'll try to have it up this week

I didn't think anyone else shipped them either! I think they'd look like a cute match~ bless those graphics for giving us this pairing lol. and don't worry, I plan on writing them as often as I can *^^*

naklfnehroih ;~~~; ♥ thank you so so much /showers you in glitter rain


cinoire September 18 2012, 12:39:40 UTC
aww, well this fic definitely deserves all the praise! <3
if i ever get my lazy butt around to putting together a legit fic rec list, this will definitely be going on it
i definitely look forward to it! :3

they certainly would look super cute together, bless those graphics indeed! i'm friends with a girl who has made some crackship graphics of them, actually. last year when neverland/love is move promotions kinda overlapped we were talking about how great it'd be to see them interact, and now that it's happening again with stop girl/poison i'm really hoping for a chance of SOMETHING lmao. both secret and u-kiss really need to do more variety, anyway. :[


pearlfuchsia September 18 2012, 21:21:53 UTC
You are too sweet ;3; ♥ ♥

Oh really? :o that's awesome! I've only ever seen one person make graphics for them and they're always so pretty *w* They need to start interacting again! I remember back in '09 when Secret debuted they did a few things together but that's about it :/ hopefully they can get interviewed backstage on a music show again once U-Kiss comes back ;u;


clayray3290 September 24 2012, 20:50:19 UTC
Ohmaigawd Office!Jieun is the cutest. And I've only recently become fond of Kiseop, so this was lovely. Maybe it's because I could relate, but you really took us through Jieun's thoughts and feelings about this job, and that just read as so realistic and believable. This was great!


pearlfuchsia September 24 2012, 22:15:17 UTC
Oh wow thank you so so much ;~; ♥
I'm really happy you could relate to this somehow, I tried to write this from my perspective if I had her type of job. Thank you for reading again, I'm so touched by your comment ♥


chungmah October 25 2012, 02:20:47 UTC


pearlfuchsia October 25 2012, 02:56:29 UTC
Aahhh thank you ;3; ♥


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