show me the shape of your heart (kpopv 2014 fills)

Mar 01, 2014 03:38

the start of something good
eric nam/hanbyul
632 words ; g
prompt: all boys boarding school

eric anticipated a lot of things from an all boys boarding school (strict curfew, little freedom, too much homework), but he didn't expect anything like his roommate.

he opened the door to his dorm, surprised to find half of it already occupied. boxes and suitcases cluttered the floor partially unpacked, clothes piled in the middle of the bare twin bed. the only things that looked remotely set up were a miniature hat rack, already covered with beanies and caps, on the small dresser and a bruno mars poster that hung off the wall.

the right side of the room, his side of their shared quarters for the next year, was completely untouched and looked even more naked next to his unknown roommate's stuff. he walked over and sat his luggage beside him on the mattress.

eric didn't know the guy but he already scored a few points for respecting eric's space.

before he could move another inch, the door swung open again to reveal a skinny brunet. the guy yelped in shock at the sight of eric and he couldn't help but jump slightly in his seat. the stranger recovered relatively fast and was suddenly in front of eric in a blink, grinning. it was hard not to notice the dimple that appeared.

"hi there! you must be eric nam, right? wait, of course you are or else you wouldn't have gotten into this room. my name is hanbyul and I'll be your roomie for the year! sorry for claiming a side of the room already, I got here really early this morning and wasn't sure what time you were going to arrive. we can always trade sides if you want! I don't mind, I'm comfortable anywhere you put me. we're in the same year right? it'll be nice having a friend around here. I just moved here from australia a month ago and don't really know that many people yet. maybe you can help me improve my korean! it's not that great and I'm a bit nervous. sorry if it sounds bad. anyway, it's nice to meet you! so where are you from?" hanbyul stared at him expectantly, his eyes wide and bright.

eric blinked once, twice, his mouth opening and closing like a dying fish. he trying to process the amount of information and questions thrown at him in under a minute. did this guy even breathe while he was talking?

"um, hi... nice to meet you hanbyul," he started. "I'm from the states, we moved here recently too to be closer to extended family but my parents still wanted me to come to this school since I received a scholarship."

hanbyul grinned happily at this. "well at least we'll have each other to get through the year! buddy system!" he cheered as he pulled eric into a friendly hug.

"yay buddies..." eric squeaked out, patting hanbyul's back lightly.

hanbyul pulled back but kept his hands firm on eric's shoulders. "have you been around campus yet?" eric shook his head. he had gone straight to find his room and planned on settling in before he went off exploring.

"in that case, let's not waste anymore time around here! let's go exploring!" he shouted, grabbing eric's wrist and tugging him along back toward the open door.

"wait, I haven't unpacked any of my things yet!" eric explained while trying to break free of his grip. for a skinny guy, hanbyul had an insane amount of strength.

"don't worry about that now, it'll still be there when we get back," he smiled his dimpled smile. eric could swear it was mocking him.

as he was pulled down the hall, almost stumbling twice over his own feet, eric couldn't help but wonder what the rest of the year had in store for him.

you make my heart do somersaults
f(x) ; sulli/krystal
917 words ; pg-13
prompt: rival school cheerleaders

"she's looking over here again," sojung whispered to jinri.

jinri made a noise crossed between a groan and a whine into her pom poms. she focused all her energy into tying her perfectly tied laces all over again so she wouldn't make the mistake of looking up and meeting the fierce brown eyes of jung soojung.

soojung. the brave girl at the top of the pyramid and member of their long time rival high school's cheer-leading squad.

she was sadly also the object of jinri's unstated affection.

it was tough enough only being able to see her when there was a game, but being from rival schools didn't help in the least. the only time their cheer teams spoke to each other was to brag when their respective team came out victorious. or to criticize their routine.

frankly jinri didn't know which was worse (though no one insulted sojung's windmills and got away with it) but regardless, this came between her approaching soojung.

"is she pining again?" asked jiyoung, walking over to them. she sat down to do her leg stretches, staring at sojung with a knowing look.

"oh yeah," the blonde nodded. "but today she's refraining from eye contact. how long do you think she'll last this time?"

jiyoung shrugged, leaning to touch the tip of her toes. "I give it fifteen minutes. you?"

sojung thought about it for a moment. "I say five."

"you guys know I can hear you talking about me since I'm right here," jinri muttered.

"yup," they said in unison.

hmpf. some friends they were.

whatever, they could think what they want but today she would be strong. no matter how much she wanted to see if soojung had kept her hair that gorgeous shade of magenta from the last time... no! she would not give in.

"okay girls, gather around! we're up in a minute," called qian, their cheer captain. jiyoung and sojung made their way over to the rest of the team, adjusting their uniforms as they walked away from their friend.

jinri sighed, finishing the double loops of her laces. she brushed the bits of grass off her skirt as she stood and sighed with relief that the grass wasn't damp or else her mom would get mad at her for getting stains on her uniform again.

something felt uncomfortable as she bent down to retreive her pom poms. jinri could feel the weight of someone's gaze on her back and before she could stop herself, she glanced over her shoulder to the other side of the soccer field.

her eyes bugged out at the sight of deep brown eyes and vibrant magenta.


"she's finally looking over here," said hyeri, nudging soojung's knee with excitement.

"I've noticed," she murmured, maintaining eye contact with the tall brunette. poor thing looked so surprised she was practically strangling her pom poms to death in her grip.

...four, five, six, seven, eig-

jinri turned around abruptly and ran over to the rest of her squad without looking back. damn, so close.

"I think you scared her soojung," whispered suji, a small pout on her face. "your stare is a bit intense."

"just 'a bit?' ha!" chuckled hyejeong. she patted soojung on the head, expressing some sympathy but mostly to irritate her teammate. "you've gotta ease up on laser gaze, sweetie. keep it up and she might start to think you're going to jump her in the middle of a dark alley."

soojung considered her captain's words for a second. "that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I really want to climb that tree." she watched as jinri supported the base of her squad's pyramid. her legs looked endless in that skirt.

hyeri snorted and suji covered her mouth in a poor attempt to hide her giggles. hyejeong rolled her eyes. "control yourself. we still have a routine to get through. at least try to focus on that and then you're free to think whatever nasty thoughts you want." she left the three in favor of checking on the rest of the girls before it was their turn.

"I still think you should try talking to her. I mean, you've been admiring her from afar for months already, it's about time you try to make some sort of move," said suji, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger absentmindedly.

"I agree!" hyeri nodded enthusiastically. they leaned over soojung and shared a high five. said girl groaned, pushing both girls back so she wouldn't miss the end of their rival's performance (and jinri's fantastic high kick).

soojung loved to watch jinri. she was so fascinating out on the field or court. the way her eyes and smile lit up was absolutely genuine, whether was reciting a corny cheer or having someone stand on her shoulders. she was beautiful no matter what she was doing.

she sighed. her friends were definitely right. maybe it was about time.

hyejeong's annoying whistle snapped her out of her thoughts and she noticed their rivals were making their way off the field. it was their turn now.

hyeri and suji each grabbed one of her arms and dragged her along to gather with the rest of their team.

soojung looked back over her shoulder, searching for the short-haired girl. it was her turn to be surprised to find the other girl staring right back, her pale face flushed a light pink. it looked good on her.

soojung remembered suji's words and this time smiled, her expression softer this time (or at least she hoped it looked that way). it must have worked because she was blessed with a gorgeous smile in return, her eyes in adorable crescents. her heart beat picked up speed, her pulse racing just a little bit faster.

so, yeah.

today would be the day.

a/n: first time writing for fandoms without including u-kiss. lmao. be proud of me. I had a lot of fun writing these! there's actually one more I want to do but I ran out of time so I'll get to it tomorrow or sometime this weekend. and sorry for the laps lock, I'll edit everything plus fix errors when I'm more awake. sorry if they suck, it's been a while.

#pearlfuchsia, pairing: eric nam/hanbyul, fandom: eric nam, #drabbles, rating: g, fandom: f(x), fandom: ledapple, rating: pg-13, pairing: sulli/krystal

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