2013 in fic

Jan 04, 2014 21:13

stolen from bollywoodrecord because i do that. /shot

fics: 26 (mostly one shots. what the fuck)
aj/jiyeon: 9
aj/kiseop: 1
seungah/kiseop: 1
krystal/daniel: 1
jiwon/kevin: 1
hyeri/dongho: 1
u-kiss ot3: 2
myungsoo/suzy: 1
krystal/chen: 1
sojin/simon: 2
myungsoo/woohyun: 1
chen/lay: 1
soohyun/anyone: 1
krystal/jonghyun: 1
minha/sungjoon: 2

ships: too many 15
gen pieces: 0
threesomes: 1? kind of. (actually 2, but the other one's only on my AFF because it's so crappy)
female pov: jiyeon

male pov: aj most written character: aj
most written ship: aj/jiyeon (ho hum)


looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
way way more than i'd expected.

did you take any writing risks this year?
kind of? i wrote in second person, had some r-rated stuff, wrote out of my fandom. wrote new ships. nothing too crazy though.

do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
write less. write better. challenge myself more (hopefully). finish this before it turns two years old!


my best story of this year:
i don't know if it was my "best," but i feel really satisfied/proud of contagio(us). it was a simple story with simple writing, but sometimes i reread it and my heart twists at a certain part for some reason. i also thought of we (are) and the absence of pain because i think the writing in both is some of my best, even if the plots aren't that astounding or anything.

my most popular story of this year:
your eyes are painted all sinatra blue. probably because it was myungzy?

story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
maybe contagio(us)? it's mostly because the pairing isn't popular, but i was proud of the way it turned out so i guess that's why.

most fun story to write:
the livelong june. it was nice being fluffy-ish for once (or just not so depressing lskdgsadjf) and i liked writing antisocial!jiyeon and making Dickinson references!

story with the single sexiest moment:
the absence of pain or re: because stuff happened in there before i chickened out and euphemized the rest.

story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
not really a shift, but after writing i will take the sun into my mouth, i started wondering what will happen once krystal and jonghyun aren't idols anymore.

hardest story to write:
a tie between i will take the sun into my mouth, re:, and abstraction deficiency. i will take the sun into my mouth was harder to write because i had to build up their relationship and make it seem plausible, and i had to research when certain things happened (some things still don't really make sense, but i hope no one will notice ;;). re: was an obstacle because it was the first fic over 3,000 words that i've written. abstraction deficiency was like hell because it was not only really long, but also required some extensive research/world building/too much thought.

biggest disappointment:
asphyxial blue because i don't even know what i wrote. like, i'll reread it and i still have no idea what i was trying to say/make sense of (because it's nonsense?). maybe the bittersweet between my teeth, too, because after this one choppy section, the whole story turned relatively outrageous and unbelievable. or abstraction deficiency, because even though i put a lot of time into writing it, the writing is pretty shitty.

biggest surprise:
i think boyfriend in the backseat since it was supposed to just be a drabble/ficlet, but i actually really like it. it says a lot with few words. plus it's sojin and simon related.

most unintentionally telling story:
the bittersweet between my teeth. because...it's a mess.

WIP TEASERS please don't have high expectations for me, i think i'm going to write things and then i don't.

b-bomb/hyemi (+ minha as hyemi's friend) (block b/nine muses)
"i'm just saying," minha says, clipping another stem, "that you really shouldn't be complaining about your neighbor walking around shirtless. and that he smiled at you."

hyemi contemplates hurling the urn in her hands at her friend's head (she didn't even trim the foot that even, anyway.) "are you saying it's okay to objectify my neighbor like some abercrombie and fitch model?" she laughs, dryly. sarcastic. minha feigns an innocent expression.

"you were the one who just said that."

hyeri/sehun + suzy/myungsoo
he's liked this girl, his neighbor, for thirteen years. it's supposed to be simple. it's not.

sera/kevin (nine muses/ze:a)
she treats him like shit, sera does. too bad, he thinks, pitying himself but not really. too bad you let her.

jieun/yongguk (secret/b.a.p)
she makes enough coffee for two in the morning, one with milk, one black. old habits die hard. she doesn't even notice it's happening until she turns around and he's not there, not there reaching for his mug. it goes into the sink, down the drain, hands covering her face, not quite sad, not quite crying. it's an inexplicable feeling (loss? loss), like she's lost a limb or something as equally as dramatic. old habits die hard, old habits refuse to die, or maybe she just keeps them alive against their will.

sojin/simon (girl's day/dmtn)
Sojin - her name tastes like metal and bitten tongues on his - blood red and black, simple and classy like an old game of Russian roulette. Femme fatale, feminine and fatal, some kind of novelty straight out of an English classic, the rifle a bonus. Lips painted red like cinnamon candy, namesake and kissable, black knee-high boots thundering on the highway. He’d like to say she stomped all over him, his dignity, his heart, but he never owned those in the first place. He was hers, prize in careful palms facing up, except for the fact she never received. She took, took, takes, takes away - Satan in vintage candy gingham, his Achilles’ heel, the like, incarnate.

He was never dead.

Jadey's u-kiss star trek au

+ other (not-so) secret things


feeling lazy atm, so i'm going to promise i'll update the one i have sometime soon!

tagging pearlfuchsia, if you're up for doing this! ♥

#kisoap, #meme

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