Sep 21, 2006 14:39
so. the daily arts page wrote about hating the word "plethora." reese went from there:
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 13:10:42 -0400
From: Amanda Terese Havlatka
Subject: Regarding the use of 'plethora'
Dear Daily Arts Page:
Let's make a deal: we'll stop using the word "plethora" if you stop using any and all
inflected forms of the word "embody". It is not possible that the work of every artist at
every exhibit "embodies" the true meaning of some
artistic/historical/social/emotional/spiritual/grammatical/culinary school of thought.
I'm sure that your staff will find the exploration of new predicates as exciting (if not
moreso!) than photoshopping pictures of the cast of "Grey's Anatomy".
Reese Havlatka