Meme I Did Because It Wasn't About Writing, LOL.. .

Sep 16, 2012 13:30

Thank you for sharing arliss

1. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now?
Sweet honeysuckle and orange peel by Softsoap -- my 22 year-old is using it because we ran out of Coast and he actually likes it better because it doesn't "get soft," LOL; shea butter and crushed grape bodywash by Tone for myself and an assortment of Axe bodywashes for the males in the household, lol.

2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?
Yes. It's a popular fruit with my boys, and it's my 17 year-old's favorite, so in summer we always have it on hand.

3. Is there anything moldy in your refrigerator?
No. Everything gets eaten before that happens or I freeze leftovers if no one seems to want to finish something.

4. What would you change about your living room?
Only everything. Rip up the carpet, get (some) new furniture and window treatments, paint. It's the original living room from when it was built and my furniture is a hodge-podge of old and antique, LOL.

5. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?
No dishwasher. There are dirty dishes right now but I'll go wash them up in a few before I start cooking some chili.

6. Do you have a can of mushrooms in your pantry?
Just an opened jar in the fridge.

7. White or wheat/brown bread?

8. What is on top of your refrigerator?
Many boxes of cereal. A container of cornmeal and a container of oatmeal.

9. What color is your sofa?
Brown with very subtle lines of rust, green and purple. But there's also a charcoal slipcover over it because the sofa is falling apart and we have a newly-acquired cat and it just seemed like a good idea even though it ain't pretty.

10. What color or design is on your shower curtain?
Horizontal lines of cream, brown, burgundy and blue. Not as hideous as I'm describing it.

11. How many plants are in your home?

12. How many candles are in your home?
One in the kitchen, one in the bathroom and one in the cupboard, waiting to be used. I tend to burn candles in the fall and winter months.

13. Is your bed made right now?
Yes. It only takes me a second to make it now that I'm alone in it. It's like I hardly disturb the covers when I'm sleeping, LOL.

14. If you have a coffee pot, what color is it?
Clear glass, black handle.

15. Electric or standard can opener?

16. Comet or Soft Scrub?
Neither Those Magic Erase pads.

17. Is your closet organized?
Pretty much. I need to go through and get rid of some stuff but that's going to have to wait until next month when I have the dumpster here : )

18. What color is the flashlight that you use the most?

19. What kinds of things are in your junk drawer?
Batteries. Screwdrivers and wrenches. Wire scrubbing pads. Tape of all kinds -- duct, scotch, masking, electrical. Extension cords. Old combination locks that no one knows the combination to.

20. Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?
Glass, always. I feel like things taste better in glass. But the kids tend to use the old plastic cups we've collected over the years.

21. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now?

22. If you have a garage, is it cluttered?
Oh my God. Furniture from when my kids moved back this summer is the biggest thing right now -- but even before that there was old boxes and sleds and sports equipment and just general junk. There's just enough space for me to pull my van in, LOL.

23. Curtains or blinds?
Curtains and/or shades, though the dining room curtains are always open because of how big the window is -- lots of good light.

24. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two: I have a pinched nerve in my upper back that goes nuts if I don't .

25. Do you sleep with any lights on at night?
I leave a light on in the kitchen -- very low -- for the late-night stragglers coming in; otherwise, the darker the better.

26. How many ceiling fans are in your home?

27. How often do you vacuum?

28. What color is your toothbrush?
Purple with white accents.

29. Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch?
Not really -- I did have one, it was a housewarming present but we moved it to the entry between the kitchen and living room to cover up some kind of cable my one son has hooked up to his X-box and the modem/router to the computer.

30. What is in your oven right now?
Nothing. Maybe a cake later. Definitely some ciabatta rolls later to go with the chili. It needs a cleaning, badly.

31. Is your microwave clean or dirty?
Clean. I don't like a dirty microwave, it grosses me out.

32. Is there anything under your bed?

33. Chore you hate doing the most?
Bathrooms! Hate it, it is like a never-ending battle. And it's one of those things that need to get done, or else it's just -- yuck. Yeah. Don't like at all.

34. What retro items are in your home?
Our dining room table in from the 1920's, same with the mission table in the living room -- my daughter's bed and dresser is from the 40's. We have some record albums from when those were still made, does that count as retro, LOL?

35. Do you have a separate room that you use as an office?

36. If you have a yard, who mows it?
My (soon-to-be) ex-husband or sons.

37. Is there anything on your kitchen floor right now?
A rug by the sink, two twelve packs of soda by the fridge, a 5 pound bag of potatoes.

38. How many mirrors are in your home?
One in each of the two upstairs bathrooms, one in the laundry area, one behind the door in the front hallway closet, two in my room -- one above my husband's dresser and a little sliver of one on the wall by the door -- it was here when we bought the house.

39. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home?
No. My husband did that but since he's not living here, I assume he took the hidden money with him, LOL.

40. What color are your walls?
Pretty much white. Not my preference but never any time or money to change that. However, if I decide to stay here for the long-haul, I will change some of the rooms.

41. Which rooms in your house have wallpaper?
The half-bath. The dining room and front entryway have the same wallpaper. The small amount of kitchen wall space. The full bath did have some but we managed to get rid of it.

42. Do you have a peephole in your front door?
No, just a regular sized window,

43. Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home?
No, but we do have my son's hunting rifle.

44. What does your home smell like right now?
Chili and the outdoor air -- it's eighty degrees and there's a south wind and it smells absolutely wonderful.

45. Favorite candle scent?
Pumpkin pie/apple/cinnamon in fall; pine in winter; lavender, lilac, rose, orange/citrus.

46. What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now?

47. Who are in the pictures you displayed?
Displayed in my home? Just the five kids. And there are LOTS.

48. What color is your favorite bible?
I have to go with burgundy. I have five Bibles from my religious days, and I still love the words in many of the books -- also love to think up Supernatural fan fic by revisiting it from time to time -- and the one I always grab first is the burgundy one.

49. Do you have plenty of cabinet space in your kitchen?
No. But the Big Clean-Out next month should remedy that.

50. Ever been on your roof?
No, but the ex has, very many times. It's a small, low roof.

51. Do you own a stereo?

52. How many TVs do you have?
Two that we use for watching television, two that are used for video games.

53. How many house phones?

54. Do you have a housekeeper?
I wish!

55. What style do you decorate in?
Whatever makes me happy, makes me feel good when I look at it. I'm not a knick-knack person except for the various things my kids have made throughout the years -- I like to surround myself with certain paintings or artwork, quilts, rustic-type furniture. I don't match things, I don't have specific themes -- okay, I do, but they often cross-over with others, LOL. Just whatever makes me comfortable, happy and at peace.

56. Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints?
I like both. It just depends on how it makes me feel when I see it.

57. Is there a smoke detector in your home?

58. In case of fire, what are the items you would grab if you only could make one quick trip?
My two youngest boys. My laptop. My purse.

59. Do you know how to work your electrical box?
Thank goodness this one has the breakers labeled, so yes.

60. What temperature in your home is most comfortable to you?
In winter, I like it to be around 70 -- our winters are usually pretty cold and I like to be warm when I'm inside. In summer, I love the heat so I have no temperature that I find ideal -- my family wants to put the AC on as soon as it hits 80 but I could easily keep the air off all the time, even when it's really hot and humid because I love it like that.
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