Nov 29, 2006 21:06
so, the other night, i asked my mom if she would disown me if i convert Jewish...she was like, "well, u can't do that, you believe in Christ, rite??" and i told her, "im not sure, im what u call, agnostic." and she rolled her eyes, and didnt say anything else.
sometimes i feel like maybe i should just come out and say, "mom, im gay. i like girls..." what would she do?? would she roll her eyes and just ignore me?? i really want to...of course, duh, im not gay, i just want to tell her that, to see wat she says, u know???...i was watching the Real World Denver(although i swore that i wouldnt see this season...but the gay one is hot, so i couldnt resist lol), and the hot one is gay, Davis. so, on the show he's talking to Stephen, he's the religious one, and he tells him, im gay and blah blah blah, so he was tlaking about how when he came out to his mom, she wont talk to him, she cries everytime she sees him, she tells him he's full of demons, and that he's gonna bur in, i wanna tell my mom that im gay, to see if she tells me something like that...i really wonder what she would do.
of course, her being a Jehovah's witness, they dont believe that people go to Hell nor Heaven, so, whatever. they just know that it's a sin. i read it in the bible, right after i saw The Real World, it said that thieves, homosexuals, adulterors(it's too bad, Adultery is my fav sin =D), and a whole bunch of other ones will not see Jehovah's kingdom....would she tell me that if i told her that im gay...which im, well...we'll see when i come her, i mean...cuz im not gay. hehe
(my profile looks hot, huh?? lol)