Feb 27, 2007 12:41
Survey for people who live or have lived in Marlyand.
1. City you were/are from?
Great Mills
2. Crabs?
They're good, but I don't eat meat anymore.
3. What about the Beltway?
Keep me away from there...
4. Do you go to Ocean City?
I've been there once, a long time ago. I was bored out of my mind.
5. Deep Creek Lake?
Never heard of it...
6. What do you think about Ehrlich?
7. Maryland State Police-
They're better than the county boys.
9. Do you play lacrosse or know someone who does?
Nope and kinda. There's a girl in my Diff Equ class that I've met that plays it.
10. Have you been across the Bay Bridge?
Who hasn't?
11. Can you use traffic circles?
If I have to, but they're evil.
12. Do you think of LA when you hear the word "Pasadena"?
13. Does your county have a police force?
There are counties that don't?
14. Do you fly out of BWI more often than Regan National or Dulles?
Yep. I prefer BWI, but Dulles isn't too bad.
15. Is it Washington or D.C.?
D.C. most often, sometimes Washington, and sometimes even Washington D.C.
16. Have you ever ridden on the Metrorail?
of course
17. What does 695, 295, 495, 95, etc mean to you?
bad drivers and evil roads.
18. Have you ever been to the HFStival?
19. Do you complete every sentence with the word "Hon"?
I could, but I don't
20. Do you know what a bar crawl is?
I think I do, but probably not.
21. Bar golf?
Never heard of it, but it kinda sounds fun...
22. You've been here for the stupid, loud cicadas?
23. Does the Preakness mean anything to you?
24.Is the Inner Harbor a great place or what?
Not sure if I've been there...
25. You know what a terp is?
26. Do you know someone who works for the Federal/State gov?
If you live in southern St. Mary's it's impossible to not know someone who works for the government.
27. Do you know about the sniper?
Yep, I called out of work at Shoppers cause of them.
28. Have you ever seen a sign that says Believe and do you know what those signs mean?
Never seen one, but I'm assuming it means something about God. Am I right?
29. Do you know where Ft. Meade is?
30. When you order a soft drink what do you ask for?